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Brett Matthew West

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7 months ago

Trump's Helicopter Crash

Is this another blazing example of Trumpie-Poo's wild imagination or of his vivid lying?

In his first news conference after the Democratic ticket was announced, Trumpie-Poo told reporters at Mar-a-Lago a story about a helicopter crash he and Willie Brown were in.

This is what Trumpie-Poo told the reporters, "I know Willie Brown very well. (Yes, the same Willie Brown connected to Kammy Girl). In fact, I went down in a helicopter with him. We were in a helicopter going to a certain location together and there was an emergency landing."

Willie Brown's reply to Trumpie-Poo's tale? "I've never been in a helicopter with him in my life. There is no reason why Harris' name ought to be mentioned anywhere near his lies, period." (meaning Trumpie-Poo)

Feel free to take your pick of which one you choose to believe Trumpie-Poo or Willie Brown.

Harambe is ur Daddy

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7 months ago
RE: Trump's Helicopter Crash

Looks like Trump got confused, rather than that he was deliberately lying. This happens to Biden all the time. Notice he has not been on television at all anymore.

Also, people mixing up Willie Brown with people or animals seems likely to happen frequently. He's brown, and his last name is brown. Hilarious.


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7 months ago
RE: Trump's Helicopter Crash
First of, going "down in a helicopter/helicopter crash" is not necessarily the same as "an emergency landing". Do I need to spell out the difference?

And Simian, how can you excuse Trump for this blatant lie/gaffe, saying he simply "got confused", while crucifying Biden for his slips of tongue?
Shouldn't Trump now bow out of the race, as well? This is now a HUGE question on his mental state/fitness. How long has he been suffering this malady, hiding it from the American people?

Brett Matthew West

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Rank:  216

7 months ago
RE: Trump's Helicopter Crash
Here is what really happened with this incident.

In 2018, Trumpie-Poo was on a helicopter with outgoing California Governor Jerry Brown and Governor-Elect Gavin Newsome on a day they toured Paradise, California, a town ravaged by wildfire.

Newsome admitted to being on the helicopter with Trumpie-Poo and Brown but stated, "There was no emergency landing and that they had not been endangered."

Perhaps Trumpie-Poo should get his facts straight before he speaks. His over-active imagination simply does not become him.


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7 months ago
RE: Trump's Helicopter Crash
Oh, but it's very understandable--ahem--how 'Willie' Brown can be confused for 'Jerry' Brown.
I mean, they both have 2-syllable first names that part-rhyme, the doubling of letters within these names (ll and rr), and they both have the same color for their last names--not like it's Brown and Beige, or anything so absurd.
So Trump's insignificant lapse in memory is totally forgivable/excusable--ahem.

And, of course, if Trump stubs his toe, but claims that he was attacked by/fought off a wild pack of T-Rexes, that could well have been exactly what happened.
We are still in LaLa Land, right?

Harambe is ur Daddy

Poet Rating
Rank:  63

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Rank:  104

7 months ago
RE: Trump's Helicopter Crash
Your rage toward Trump seems to be blinding your objectivity. When Biden gets a fact wrong, he is not called a liar. Biden botches facts constantly and the media gave him a complete pass until the debate, when he couldn't hide it anymore. If this gaffe is such a big deal, and a LIE as you want to call it, then explain what Trump stands to gain from it. Oh wait, we know what the answer is gonna be: liars can't do anything but lie, cause they can't help themselves. Come on. Let's focus on the issues here, like the massive amounts of money the Democrats are pulling in right now from hell knows where, and their unchecked habit of puppy eating.

Harambe is ur Daddy

Poet Rating
Rank:  63

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Novel Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  104

7 months ago
RE: Trump's Helicopter Crash
Alternate possibility: Willie Brown is the one lying. He doesn't exactly have the cleanest political reputation. Trump has always been friends with people who get down in the mud and gets them to say and do things they might not otherwise say and do. Just look at all the sordid deals in his lawsuits.

Maybe this time, Trump actually told the truth. There will probably never be proof either way. Just consider that if it did happen, Willie Brown has no incentive to tell the truth.


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7 months ago
RE: Trump's Helicopter Crash
Speak to me, ape--speak!


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