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Brett Matthew West

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7 months ago

And The Choice Is....

Which of these did Kammie Girl pick for her VP Wannabe?

A. Dark Horse
B. Mountain Dew Drinker
C. Nerdy Former High School Teacher
D. Military Vet
E. Politician
F. Convicted Criminal
G. "gosh darnit, a nice guy"

And the answer is:

All of them -- Minnesota Governor Timothy James Walz


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7 months ago
RE: And The Choice Is....

Mostly sounds pretty good to me.
What crime was he convicted of? An unpaid parking ticket?

Harambe is ur Daddy

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7 months ago
RE: And The Choice Is....
Probably eating puppies. He has a 100% pro-abortion rating just like his new boss, which means they both oppose the Born Alive act. They are both for having babies who were born alive after a failed abortion attempt being thrown in the trash.

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

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7 months ago
RE: And The Choice Is....
In 1995, Walz was a 31-year-old high school teacher living in Nebraska when he was pulled over for speeding, failed a sobriety test, and was arrested. There was no accident, and no one was hurt.

The judge in the case agreed to reduce the charge from a DUI to reckless driving and fined him $200 plus court costs making it a misdemeanour not a felony offense. So, it is incorrect to label him a criminal. I think it's worth noting he hasn't consumed alcohol since then.

Harambe is ur Daddy

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7 months ago
RE: And The Choice Is....
An interesting observation of our recent Presidents: three out of four of them quit drinking. I'm going from memory here; anyone can look this up.

George W. used to have a drinking problem, probably in his 30s. His wife gave him an ultimatum or something and he straightened up.

Donald Trump had an older brother who drank himself to death. After that, Trump stopped drinking.

Joe Biden's wife and daughter were tragically killed in a car accident, which for years Joe insinuated was caused by the truck driver drinking, despite all evidence showing that his wife caused the accident and no alcohol was involved. But anyway, Joe quit drinking at some point.

So Barack Obama was the only recent President who you could have a beer with. And he did, in a highly publicized incident involving a professor and a police officer. But not while they were driving... as far as we know.


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7 months ago
RE: And The Choice Is....
Thanks for that research and info, Gloria.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
I guess Brett Matthew West here, who has labeled Waz as a 'convicted criminal', is such a sinless/perfect he.

Julie Helms

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7 months ago
RE: And The Choice Is....
There's a little more to the DUI story.
He was doing 96 in 55 zone.
His blood alcohol level .128
The judge reduced the charges to reckless because Walz claimed he was deaf and couldn't understand the officer's instructions for the field sobriety test, so he failed it.
His campaign manager in 2006 said he wasn't drunk.

Walz said this during the plea agreement:
The judge then asked Walz why it is against the law to "drive with a .128 blood alcohol content."

"Not just statutory, it’s just a dangerous situation, Your Honor, not just to myself, but to others who are — who aren’t even involved with it," Walz replied.

I think this all is a nonissue, and has no bearing on his standing as a candidate now.

I'm more concerned with his letting his state burn for 4 days during the George Floyd riots, his abortion stance, drivers licenses for persons in the country illegally (thus giving them access to voting), and ordering tampon machines into all schools boys bathrooms.

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

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7 months ago
RE: And The Choice Is....
So why did he order tampon machines into all schools boys bathrooms.


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7 months ago
RE: And The Choice Is....
Ah, the misinformation always comes flooding out, doesn't it.

Surprise, surprise, I have just been listening to Trump on a phone call to Walz after the violence died down in Minneapolis and guess what, Trump praises Walz for his 'dominating' actions to quell the riots.

Trump today, of course, is claiming that Walz refused to call out the National Guard. Another lie. Clear documentary evidence shows that Walz called the Guard himself before Trump even got involved.

CultLeader is dropping in the polls and flinging any old stuff against the wall/Walz to see what will stick.

So now what will you guys find to try and pin on him? Last time I checked about 70% of the US was in favour of abortion so being pro-choice is hardly going to hurt him. Vance is trying to claim he chose not to go to Iraq (a little dangerous given he answers to Mr BoneSpurs) but Walz served 24 years in the military and when he left to run for Congress he was actively involved in Vet affairs esp health.

Ah, what a joyous thing to see Grumpy Trumpy hiding away in Mar a Lago with all his well-deserved (NOT) claims to protection from justice fading away before his eyes.

Julie Helms

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7 months ago
RE: And The Choice Is....
Message edited: 7 months ago

**So why did he order tampon machines into all schools boys bathrooms.**

So that persons who identify as male and still have a uterus would not be inconvenienced. But my understanding is that persons born with penises ripped most of them out.

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

Level 1 Pro

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Rank:  15

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7 months ago
RE: And The Choice Is....
As far as I remember the girl's washrooms were similarly vandalized, perhaps also done by the persons born with penises. I know very little about transgenderism, so perhaps you can help me understand. All I can determine from the rhetoric I have read is that it is a violation of religious values because God made two genders, boy and girl to reproduce and all the rest is just communist, liberal, wokeism bent on destroying good Christian values thus bringing the wrath of God down upon us all.

Surely there must be more to it. So is it fear of change, denial of evolution, or anger that the health-care system is becoming overloaded with gender-affirming care with tax-payers footing the bill? Do you think people would undergo that painful, life-threatening surgery for a lark or because they are confused?

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