The Dove and The Hawk, Part One.
Part One, The Dove: Feeling like home at Tamworth
Part One, The Dove: Feeling like home at Tamworth
10 points. and 1.03 member dollars
Here's the good, the bad, and the ugly about Tim Walz. Not covering boring stuff here that you can read up on elsewhere.
Walz has a military record, not anything to compare to Vance, but he was in the Army National Guard for over 20 years, retiring as a Master Sergeant. He is pro-gun but has moderate enough views to pacify his constituents.
Walz has real governing experience, which Harris does not.
He is a Minnesota Lutheran, and seems to be easy-going.
He shares the last name of great actor.
A long-time schoolteacher, Walz is against merit-based pay in public schools. He will need to explain in the VP debate how this approach won't run American public schools even further into the ground.
Walz has a 100% rating from NARAL, just like Kamala. Together they will join forces ripping ripe young puppies from their mothers' wombs, chomping and slurping their luscious juices, grinding their bones into Elmer's Glue, and selling it to Democratic voters with a Christmas bow. Remember that it's mostly ethnic minorities and especially Black people who are exterminated by the abortion industry. Part of this country was built on the backs of slaves, and now we'll be using aborted baby glue to hold it together, strengthening our roads and bridges and at the same time keeping that underclass minority breeding in check.
And for a 60-year-old, Walz looks pretty damn old, but who's judging.