The Southport Tragedy
A terrible, awful thing happened in Southport, England very recently. 3 young girls attending a Taylor Swift Dance class were brutally murdered. It's a rare event that shocked the nation.
Police caught the perpetrator and of course he should be locked up and the key chucked down a well, vile animal that he is. I think of those kids, so excited to be learning the moves of their favourite pop star and my heart breaks for their little lives brought to such a dreadful end so young. Parents never to see them dance again.
The Police gave out that the murderer was a man living in a Lancashire town, born in Cardiff.
Someone on social media gave out false information so now the right wing yobs egged on by that Yaxley tosser who used to call himself Tommy Robinson, after a football hooligan, are rioting. They started in Southport, a grieving town, but have spread to several different cities, chucking bricks through windows, Molotov cocktails through taxi windows (with the driver inside), setting fire to mosques.
Now I am not just thinking of those poor little girls. I am thinking about the little girls I worked with at the lovely school by the sea last term. So excited to be allowed to wear their Eid dresses to school. I think about their parents watching TV anxiously, waiting for the mob to turn up in our town. Waiting to be tried and convicted for a crime committed by a man they've never met. All because of misinformation in the first instance.
But maybe this evil man IS brown, like them. Maybe he shares their religion, even if only in name. Maybe he didn't enter this country legally, like they did. Maybe he's part of a gang that raped children. Maybe the police are withholding information. These are all justifications given for the trial and conviction of Mr an Mrs Muhammed, second generation immigrant Muslims, nice couple, run the little shop down the road, never been to Southport, never hurt a fly.
And what if those who aren't even Muslim, just the same sort of colour? That doesn't matter, it's also their fault. The Nigerian man, works alongside my husband with people with disabilities, well, he's Black isn't he, talks with a funny accent, can't have been here long and it isn't just the Muslims to blame, it's everyone who wasn't born here, even though the man who actually did was born here. Well, all right, Wales, but Welsh people don't have to risk their lives on boats to get here, they just drive down the motorway.
And the yobs who smacked their wives up a few weeks ago because England lost the football (domestic violence always goes up after a big match) will go on about how the good, silent people have had enough of the rapists and murderers being allowed in this country, put up in five star hotels, etc.
It's all 'someone else's fault'. Stephen Yaxley Knobend thinks rape is a terrible crime, but apparently only when brown people do it, because him and his ilk have been nowhere to be seen in protest at the numerous white British rapists and paedophiles there are. Funny how they weren't setting fire to the Catholic churches after Jimmy Saville, professed Catholic died without ever facing charges for his multiple assaults and rapes on
underaged girls and boys.
'We don't know who we are letting in', they cry. We know as much about anyone who turns up from another country as we do about most of the nameless thugs thundering through our towns. All we know is what you got caught for.
Shall I hold you white boys responsible for the actions of Fred West, Ian Brady, the Soham killer, the Yorkshire ripper, the Hungerford Massacre and all the other crimes your fellow white men have committed? Because that's about as ridiculous as all this, I can tell you.
I wish, in a way, we did get everybody out who looks different, prays to another God, came here on a boat, can't speak Engerlish as good as wot you can.
Because then we might realise that we aren't so great. We'll still have bad people. And stuff will still get covered up, just like it always has been, the cost of living will still be sky high, you still won't get a doctor's appointment for weeks, and there still won't be jobs for those who prefer to blame the man who just got off the boat and can't even speak the language for taking the jobs you wouldn't even apply for.
Because you know what? It's you, you brick chucking bullies. You are the problem. Rent a mob. YOU are the reason multiculturalism 'isn't working'. Not the man last week you were happy to buy a kebab from. Not the shopkeeper you bought the lager from before you smashed his door in with a baseball bat.
Sorry folks. It's a long rant, but I have had enough. Any day that mob could be here, they've been before. I've no time for it. We really are our own worst enemies in this country.
RE: The Southport Tragedy
This might be too soon, but my eardrums are brutally murdered by Taylor Swift every time I am subjected to her music. I feel for all the girls at that concert who are still alive and will never know what a good melody sounds like.
RE: The Southport Tragedy
Much as I agree with that sentiment, it was a dance class, not a concert, and yes, a smidgen too soon.
RE: The Southport Tragedy
The whole thing is horrendous.
One of the young people I look after is Muslim and I had to go and rescue him from Belfast yesterday as the rioting in the aftermath of all this I hadn't experienced since the 80s and early 90s here.
My lad, who is 15, was verbally abused and had bricks thrown at him - he's a Syrian refugee - he's also really lovely and very placid. he witnessed his best friend's brother get stabbed as well.
When I collected him, I was verbally harassed and grabbed by so-called protestors.
it's a horrible thing.
RE: The Southport Tragedy
Jeez, Gman, I am so sorry. I had seen Belfast was on the ever-growing list of targeted and to-be-targeted cities.

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RE: The Southport Tragedy
What happened to those babies was horrible. The response from some of the public (declared to be right wingers) was predictable and also sad.
But, to blame it on those on the right, or white people, is also wrong, and biased as hell. To blame the failure of the concept of multiculturism is also wrong.
At no time in human history, and in no place around the globe has the practice of Multiculturalism be a success. Not America, Africa, China or Europe. Never. It is a nice sounding theory, a lofty Star Trek like goal, but in practice it fails most of the time, or at best tenuously hangs on.
Now, blaming white people for their response is also sad, because the same thing has happened in South Africa, USA, Myanmar, Columbia, Egypt, Israel, Sudia Arabia, and on and on.
Resistance to multiculturism is a Human response. Similar to a body resisting a foreign substance or rejecting a transplanted organ.
It is a nice myth to want to believe all people, regardless of race, color, creed, culture, religion and so on can and should co-exist in peace and harmony. BUT... human history has shown that is not the case.
RE: The Southport Tragedy
Wow, lance, your mentality/views on multiculturalism are so bleak and regressive. It is part of what has been keeping our social world from achieving much, much more and achieving our potential.
By your logic/analysis, white America should not have ended slavery, and you should not be enjoying the relative freedom and success that you do today.
Either slavery should have persisted, or, at best, blacks in America should have been deported to Africa.
Race is a social construct that has simply taken deep roots.
In the ancient past, Vikings had white slaves. Greeks and Romans had slaves/peasants/low-class people of all colors.
Civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotania, Babylon, Persia, India and Native-Americans were ruled by persons of dark/black/brown complexions and had slaves/peasants of every skin shade.
Back then, people were subjugated/enslaved/conquered not because of their skin coloe, but because their nations/cultures were conquered in battles for territory, resources and glory--not race.
Race did not become a prejudicial/discriminatory social element until the relatively recent past of the 15th/16th century, when Europeans propagated it as a factor of social distinction and discrimination.
Multiculturalism--appreciation of diversity, tolerance, non-extremism, cultural cooperation--is the progressive future of mankind.
The more we stymie/resist/fight/eschew it, the longer we delay/mar/thwart our universal progress as a human species.
When--not if--that malignant alien force or fatal biological agent attacks humanity/Earth (covid was but a tiny example), perhaps then mankind will realize that our petty racial/cultural differences are nothing compared to our uniersal wipeout, if we don't wise up and cooperate/unite as a common species.

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RE: The Southport Tragedy
Go, you clearly do not understand slavery. Slavery is and was never about race or culture. White people enslaved other whites. Blacks enslaved other blacks, and so on. Slavery is and was primarily based on two subjects:
Strong vs. weak
What really ended slavery in America, was industrial innovation. Basically economics.
My statements about multicultural are not based on my feelings or wants. It is based on the recorded history of human beings.
And for the record, diversity is not always a strength. Many times, it can be a weakness. Try being a five-foot female in an NBA tryout. There is a reason all male squads in the military outperform mixed sex squads or all female squads. This is not discrimination; it is simple reality.
And no matter what you want or choose to believe reality will not bend.
RE: The Southport Tragedy
Message edited: 7 months ago
RE: The Southport Tragedy
Gorillas are superior to humans. Watch the films.

2021 Script Writer of the Year
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RE: The Southport Tragedy
Go, you and I simple disagree. I am no more inferior to white people than you are to Asian people (those who are near the top of most social-economic stats in America).
People segregate on many levels. Multiculturalism is a false premise. People of different cultures do live and work next to each other for many self-serving reasons. The mixing of different cultures has benefits and drawbacks. This is not my opinion. It is simply historical fact.
Even America is a highly segregated nation, as is Europe on many levels. Not just racial. Because even among the same racial groups, there are different cultures. I know black Americans who went to Africa thinking they could avoid racism and discrimination and be among people like themselves. They came back bitterly disappointed.
There are many people here of the same race, that have different cultures, who can't stand each other.
I do not get along with people from my own extended family in Chicago, because we live in different cultures. I avoid extended family gathering because we mix like oil and water, and a fight would break out very quickly.
This was discovered when the infamous school busing idea was tried. It failed. This was tried in Chicago and the suburbs when they tore down many projects and moved people throughout the city to mix. It failed. Rockford, Ill, Peoria, Il, East St. Louis, and Carbondale to name a few are examples of the failures that happened. Not to mention Detroit, Memphis and DC.
Too many, confuse culture with race. That is not what I mean. They are not the same.

Part One, The Dove: Feeling like home at Tamworth