Returning to writing
I have had a long absence, not just from the site, but writing in general owing to general life stuff.
Having not written a thing in over a year, I am struggling to start again. Has anyone any tips for getting the writing brain operating again?
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RE: Returning to writing
I too, have just returned after a long absence and it takes awhile to get in the groove. Boredom can be a good prompt to get you writing, just have a go.
As I have just returned and I posted a poem but the decided to put it in a competition but the site wouldn't let me. Any clues to why. Thanks and keep the pen rolling, cheers, Kev
Brett Matthew West
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Rank: 204
RE: Returning to writing
You can not post a piece then turn around and enter that same previously posted piece in a contest.
Site views that as double dipping, which is not allowed.
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