- Success With Fanstoryby Mastery
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From a published author.
Success With Fanstory by Mastery
Artwork by MKFlood at

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of the many fans who have supported me and my writing for the past 16 (sixteen) years here on Fanstory.

Your encouragement and loyalty to my writing has been an essential part on my path to having four novels published. First in 2016, with "Fatal Beauty" then with "Triple Crossed" in 2017 followed by my non-fiction novel titled "Falling up the Stairs in 2018.

Now my newest book will be released this week. Some of you may remember I posted each chapter of "Shadows of Sin" on this site in early 2019. It's a detective novel (third in the series) with the same strong protagonist, Cleve Hawkins.

I have been truly fortunate to have good luck with each of these, but particularly with "Falling up The Stairs" which has by last count, 22 five-star reviews of of the 22 posted on Amazon.

I am thrilled with the fact that I am published after many years of writing which began in 1965 at Columbia College in Chicago. Moreover, receiving royalties for one's work twice a year is very satisfying indeed.

Through all of my successes I have always kept my active membership with Fanstory and used it to my advantage for opinions and pre-editing before submitting to my professional editor in Connecticut and ultimately then on to my publisher.

My point here is two-fold, my friends. Number one, be assured that you too will be successful if you dedicate plenty of time and work to your craft. (And, the support of your community on Fanstory will be no small element in that success. Believe me friends...It does work.

I will be coming back with still another Cleve novel this year and look forward to reading your writing as well.

Again, my sincere thanks for all of your help my friends. You know who you are. : )

Bless you and Good Luck. Bob


Author Notes
NOTE; Just as in the past, my newest novel is available with special dedications to anyone interested. If you are so inclined please PM a message to me and I will give you all of he particulars in order to receive a signed copy of this or any of my books.

Thank you MK Flod for the use of your artwork


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