- The Benefits of FanStoryby DragonSkulls
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How Has FS Benefited You contest entry
The Benefits of FanStory by DragonSkulls
    How has FanStory benefited you? Contest Winner 

     We'll start off with the usual
     and hope I sound sincere,
     with what I've learned and friends I've made,
     like every entry here.

     But things I'll thank Fanstory for
     may differ in your eyes.
     For I've been taught to twist my words
     and scribble pretty lies.

     I've learned that all I want from here
     is manna for my greed,
     to build my pile of member gold
     is what I crave and need.

     I've mastered skills of rhyme and verse,
     manipulating truths.
     I bait the traps that snare your heart,
     reflected in the booths.

     It's taught me just how easily
     mentality is swayed.
     I'll write of love or age or pets,
     assuring I'll get paid.

     It's also taught me not to care
     about the crap I post.
     Sometimes I'll win a prompt that's full
     with two reviews at most.

     So long ago I really tried
     and shared my heart and soul.
     But now I wallow in deceit
     while counting cash I stole.

     I thank Fanstory for it all,
     it's taught me how to grow,
     and reap the many benefits
     that bullshit can bestow.


Writing Prompt
Write a POEM in any style, to any length, describing what being a FanStory member has brought to your life and/or done for your writing. What have you gained by belonging to FanStory? What has FansStory done for you, personally?
How has FanStory benefited you?
Contest Winner



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