Black velvet night, star shone bright
A babe was born Bethlehems' candlelight
He would save His people from sin
His life had only just begun
Mother stroked peach-fluff hair
She looked with love, son so fair
In her heart it was only the start
Of a life of love that stood apart
He was born that Holy night
God's gift to mankind, wiping blight
He would grow to manhood - kind
Stand apart from sin so blind
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
We remember Jesus gave us life
Came as child, born to die
Healed the sick, lame to walk
Too much for ignorant man to take
Magician they thought Him to be
Ignorance of His real purpose
Not knowing what to make
Prophet, healer, raised the dead
Man thought him Satan instead
His love and compassion unknown
Still they thought Him blatant liar
All these burdens he did carry
His Father asked the ultimate price
Hung His head in tears of fear
After all, he was born of Mary dear
Born in a manger so long ago
Sits beside His Father now
Could have walked away
From his fate, loyal to man
Now, man has walked away from Him
Just a legend made of tin
Turn, turn, turn again
To the Holy Child Emmanuel
He forgave us all our sin
Gave His life so we could win
Have we turned our backs on Him?
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, King of Kings
Author Notes
We love because He first loved us. Many men have turned their backs on Him. He will return for His faithful. So, This Christmas we should worship Him. He is the only one who gives us peace. All other gods are man's choice; like worshiping the golden calf.
Happy Christmas one and all, remember the babe in the manger.