My New Year's Eve Party
by michael cahill
That new year’s eve I slipped away
with solitude.
Just why I did I couldn’t say--
my attitude?
Well, something told me all’s not chill;
this party thing--I’d had my fill.
I had to seek an interlude
with solitude.
Alone just suits me to this day ...
a soft etude.
The noise and strife left far away
... the point eludes.
It isn’t hatred; love’s my pledge.
I just find crowds put me on edge.
I know I’ll best embrace my moods
with solitude ...
Author Notes
Write an octogram.
Write about a memory or memories ,excluding memories about people or pets.
Memories may be of places, things, trips, activiities, etc., but NOT people or pets.
Generic people may be present but not significant.
See instructions below.
Octogram was created by Fanstorian, Sally Yocom.
There are two stanzas.
Syllable sequence per line is 84848884 84848884.
Rhyme scheme is aBabccbB ababddbB. Capital B -- exact repeated line.