- Peace No Moreby Dawn Munro
This work has reached the exceptional level
France's terrorist attack is ours - a tiny poem
Peace No More by Dawn Munro

nous sommes Charlie
in English: we are Charlie
writer's genocide


Author Notes
(I have not had time to review so I could promote this. It is too important to delay, too - read on and you will understand why I say this - these notes contain a challenge.)

Please - my French is limited - if yours isn't and I have made an error, I would love to hear from you.

Beginning this 5-7-5 in French is done intentionally to show solidarity with France. The horrendous act of terrorism that just took place at the offices of Charlie Hebedo, a satirical news magazine, killed twelve people, among them, cartoonists and the magazine's Editor-In-Chief.

It is time for all freedom loving people to unite in protest, to send a message that ours IS a global village and those few cowards who murder will NOT stop freedom of speech.

My personal challenge is to every FanStory member: take pen in hand - post against terrorism -do not concern yourself with anything but a clear message (even if it is not more than a few words). Do not concern yourself with promoting it. Then find another similar posting to review, and review IT for 2-cents. Review MANY, if you can.

God help us all...Andy Donato, cartoonist for the Toronto Sun Newspaper, was interviewed by City TV today - when asked about mocking Islam, his reply was that he does not mock Islam, he mocks the terrorists...

Charlie Hebedo - a magazine comprised of cartoons, mere cartoons...


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