- Sensual Addictionby lancellot
This work has reached the exceptional level
forgive me
Sensual Addiction by lancellot
    Sensuality Contest Winner 

Warning: The author has noted that this contains strong language.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.
Dear Lord, forgive me, but I love her. I simply do, and yet, I know almost nothing about her. What’s her favorite color? I haven’t a clue. Is it red, pink or blue? I wish I knew. Does she like rock music or dance the ballet. Is her favorite month the frosts of January or the new flowers of May? All these things I know not, but I do know I need her.

I sit in a cheap motel, two hours past midnight, with my last three hundred dollars and a faint hope my wife doesn’t find out. Every ten minutes I think about leaving; just grabbing my coat and driving home as fast as I can. She’s not coming, John, you know it, but you might as well wait out the rain. That’s what I tell myself, but the truth is, I’ll wait for her until the sun rises and no excuse of working late will fly with Karen.

My head hangs in despair, and then I hear it. A faint click-clack that grows louder by the second. Even before the doorknob turns, my heart begins to pound, sweat beads on my brow, and my manhood stirs.

Symone walks through the door soaking wet like an angel fresh from the shower. Her brown eyes fall upon mine, and it’s as if she’s not looking at me, but through me. Once again, I get that sensation of falling. I am gone before she speaks, yet I cling to every word.

“I’ve missed you, John. I’m glad you waited.” She slips off her heels and saunters towards me. With each step she sheds a layer of wet clothing. She doesn’t bother with folding or hanging, she just lets her garments fall where they may. She knows no matter what condition her clothes are she will always look amazing.

I gaze upon her perfect body. I’ve seen her slender waist, long legs, and small pert breasts with the most stunning puffy nipples ever created dozens of times before.  At first, it was in my car, with us hidden in a dark alley, then in expensive hotel rooms, once to my shame in my wife’s bed, and now it’s wherever Symone wants.

She stops before me at the edge of the bed. Inches away from her naked body, I feel waves of heat flowing from her skin. She’s so hot the water on her evaporates before my eyes. She leans forward and my nose brushes against the soft moistness above her treasure. The sparse dark hair lightly tickles my nose, and I inhale deeply. Unlike any perfume made by man, her fragrance seeps into me, and the last of my resistance melts away.

I am hers completely. Her girlish giggle fills the room as I nuzzle into the warmth of her sex. Dear God, forgive me. It’s a prayer I say each time, and each time I know it will go unanswered.

Soft fingers flow through my hair, and I let her guide me like a puppet on a string. I know what she wants, and she knows I want it more.  Her smooth ivory legs part, I slip my arms between them, and let my hands glide up her bottom.

“Do you like my bum, John? It likes you.”

I don’t answer her. I can’t. My tongue is tracing the warm folds of her sex, caressing her pink lips, exploring her depths, and savoring every trickle of delight that flows out.

She raises one leg and plants it on the bed next to me so I can get deeper into her. Her breathing is heavy and small quivers streak through her body.

“Eat me, John. Oh yes, yes. Wait!” Suddenly she pushes me away and I fall back onto the bed. “No, no, no. I swear, sometimes I think I should be paying you. I don’t want to cum that way.”

At the mention of money I reach into my back pocket and take out the envelope containing her fee.  My hand trembles as I hold it out. She smiles and reaches for it, letting her arm glide across the tent in my pants. I see a thin line of wetness on her arm, and with a smile she shakes her head.

“You’ve soaked right through your pants again.  You must be close to popping. Why do you get so excited from just licking me?” She plucks the envelope from my hand, tosses it over her shoulder, and then proceeds to undress me. Her hands work quickly, with the ease of a professional. In seconds she has me naked and panting with anticipation. “Slide up the bed, John.”  I do as she commands. “Now don’t move. Just lay there and let me love you.”

She places a slender knee on the bed and begins to crawl towards me. Long brown hair hangs from her head and tickles my skin as she moves up my body. She pauses for a moment and allows each of her huge nipples to graze the head of my penis. I close my eyes to the pleasing sensation and remember the last time I exploded between those pink nipples. But more than that I want her to tease me, to prolong the excitement and anticipation, but I know too well, that my time is running out.

“Symone, I… I can’t stay.” The smile on her face instantly turns into a pout, and I marvel at how easily she shifts from sinful seductress to innocent angel.

“I’m sorry I was late, John. I’ll make it up to you.”

Before I can say another word, she places her hands on my chest and glides her hips over mine. I instantly sigh as warm, soft, flesh glides over my dick. Back and forth she moves her pelvis over me.  I want so badly to lift her up and plunge into her, but I can’t move.  Her puffy lips feel so good sliding over me; I don’t want it to end.  Quickly she moves forward and an intense blast of heat engulfs the swollen head of my cock as she nestles it into her entrance.

She slowly leans forward and I feel her lips skip across my ear. “Do you have time, John, or should I stop?”  Her voice is the lightest of whispers, and I shudder at the heat of her breath.

I want to scream for her to continue. I want time to stand still. I want to be single again with a million dollars, and no kids. But as my hands reach for her hips, and as I lift her up, I know the truth. I look into her eyes and she knows it too. This is only a fantasy, and we must play our parts. I watch her brown eyes grow wide as I bring her down and slide within her. A thousand nerve endings scream out in ecstasy, as ungodly pleasure lances along my shaft. I feel tears roll down the sides of my face, and I fear I am reaching the point of no return.

It’s too soon, it’s too soon, my mind cries. Suddenly, my body heaves off the bed and our hips grind together in a vain attempt to become one. Symone’s fingernails dig into my chest and I know I’ll have to wear a T-shirt for days.

Her young muscles contract around me as my penis touches her cervix. She moans in delight and time suspends. For a moment I am watching myself from the outside. I see the joy on my face and my head thrashing from side to side.  Every muscle on my body strains, my mouth flies open and hear my voice shout, “Oh God!”

And then I am back inside. Like an automatic pump I feel myself empty deep within Symone. The sensation is so intense that it borders on pain. All I can do is hold onto her and ride out the storm.  Time has little meaning when the beast that caused you to break your vows and every sense of honor shoots from you and into another person.

My sanity returns as I wilt and slip from Symone’s warm embrace. I hear her sigh as we separate, and the deed is done. I release my hold and she rolls next to me. My breathing slows and my heart calms. A chill crosses my sweaty body, and I sense the sticky trickle of proof of my corruption run down my hip.

Quickly, guilt and shame fall on me more heavily than Symone’s supple body. I turn to my right and gaze at her lovely face. A face a man like me could never kiss for free.  Her eyes look into mine. In that moment I know she sees right through me, right to my very soul. I want to ask her what she sees, but in truth, I already know and it saddens me. Dear Lord, please forgive me, I pray.

It is the same thing I always pray, and yet, I never pray for the strength to stay away.
Contest Winner


Author Notes
This is not anyone's marriage. It is only fictional.


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