- The Bunny at the Bankby mermaids
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The Bunny at the Bank by mermaids

The Bunny at the Bank

Bouncing,baby bunny hops past the front door of the financial institution. She is escaping the whirr of the lawn mower as she travels from leafy green bush to leafy green bush. She is tiny and perfectly formed,long ears and poofy cottontail. As I retrieve my last ten dollars for gas,I contemplate her tiny world. Does she have a retirement account or an annuity? I have neither but I share her love of carrots and crisp lettuce. Her world is food and safety, I dodge bill collectors. My funds maybe low but nature provides free riches. A beam of sunlight follows the petite lapin. The dainty, soft image stays with me as I drive away. Life is sweet as her small form vanishes into a dwelling of secure branches, a haven for God's small soul.

nature comes to us
revealing the true spirit
of cottontail dreams


Author Notes
I went to my bank the other day to withdraw a few dollars for gas money and this baby bunny hopped across the front of the bank, next to the door. The landscapers were mowing the grass and I am sure the noise frightened the bunny who did find refuge in some bushes. Cape Cod is full of rabbits this year,I guess they are able to avoid the coyotes. Lapin is French for rabbit.


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