The Gypsy's Timepiece. by Dean Kuch
![]() ~Prologue~ The crowd quickly gathers at the boarding platform, hurriedly jockeying for position in line. The train to Westminster sits on the tracks, puffing plumes of billowing white clouds as it ramps up steam for power. A withered elderly woman is unceremoniously knocked aside as she attempts to mount the steps to board the waiting train. Harried, a young man brandishing a leather portmanteau glances down at her with half-hearted interest, then pushes past. He utters no apologies to her, nor does he excuse himself by asking her permission to move past. Smiling, he tips his hat as she tumbles to the platform below. “In a hurry, old gal — you understand.”
![]() ~Scenes from from a train~ “Midnight was the hour of my birth and will be the hour of my death.”
“Excuse me, madam? I must have misunderstood you, You say that you're dying?” She motions me closer with a wag of her bony index finger. Her response is barely more than a whisper. “I will die exactly one year from this date, at the stroke of midnight. Very soon, you too will know my fate.” Why has she mentioned her death to me? What's her purpose? As I sit pondering this thought, I spot it. I've witnessed many strange sights over the course of my twenty-five years as a well-traveled explorer. I've been an assistant to an exorcism in Uganda, seen a leper receive a blood letting and subsequent leeching in the canal villas of Lisson Grove — which ultimately led to the poor man's demise — and quite often, specters come whispering to me at my home in St. Marylebone while I lie sleeping in my bed. Why they trouble me, I do not know. I've continually had repeated visits from the restless spirit of one child who doesn't appear to realize she's no longer amongst the world of the living. She knocks on different windows of my home in the evening, beckoning me to let her inside because she's so cold. It's a request that I must regretfully deny her, of course. The spirit, apparition — whatever name you choose to associate with the thing — continued to follow me, staring at me along the entire journey. It remained hovering, unblinking, all the way to my desired destination of Westminster Abbey. As the train came to a complete stop, I chanced a sideways glance out the window, and saw that, thankfully, the horrid thing had finally disappeared. Gathering up my hat and portmanteau, I quickly made my way towards the exit along with the other disembarking passengers.
![]() Westminster Hospital, Westminster, England, 1843 She's come here to visit me for the past week since my arrival from London. How she knew where to locate me is a mystery. The nurses that tend to my needs announce her as my mother. “Your mother is here to see you, Mr. Rasmussen,” they croon. Their jovial demeanor when doing so always nauseates me to the point of vomiting. She hasn't much longer to live, she told me as much while she and I were on the train a little less than a year ago. Only 'til the morrow, at midnight. “You'll forever take your time now, young man, and I die tomorrow at midnight," she reminds me. "It has been foretold to me by the elders. Once I am dead, you will be forever forced to think about what you've done, unless you can convince me to remove the spell, and take back the heirloom.
As I cannot speak, nor beg her to remove the cursed thing from me, what am I to do? I fear I am already doomed. It is nearly four o'clock on the morrow, and she's come once again to torture me during her last hours. She sits singing some Romanian melody, and while I admit I'd love to strangle the old bird for what she's done to me, I can not help but feel pity for her. Her weathered skin and deep wrinkles indicate she has lived a life knowing deep pain, heartache and sorrow. I know not how old she truly is, but as she sings to me her voice sounds like that of a much younger woman. The melody she sings is in Romani dialect, and I'm unfamiliar with the meaning of her words. Nevertheless, the song penetrates deeply into my soul, and I feel genuine sympathy for her. She's going to die within a few hours, and she is fully aware of that fact. That I remain a mute invalid is secondary to me. If I were to step back and look rationally at what happened, I can arrive at no other conclusion other than I was wrong. I'd been an inconsiderate fool, and now, I was paying for it. It's eight o'clock, and after I've had my spoon-fed supper and been given a bath, they return me to my ward. Oh yes, sadly, I am still able to swallow food. Still, the old gypsy sits patiently, singing. My night nurse comes in after a short while to inform her it is time for her to go. We are to be put to bed. She stops singing, then rises from the spot she's been sitting in for the past nine hours since her arrival here today. After she's been gone for what seems like an eternity, yet in reality could have been but a few minutes, the nurses hoist me up, then put me to bed. Sensation slowly begins to return to my limbs and extremities. A warmth rushes throughout my entire body in rippling waves. I jump from my bed, screaming, "Wait!" into the darkened hallway. Stumbling in my weakened state, I tumble to the cold floor, wracked by sobs brought about by a sense of great relief, and honest remorse. It seems one honest, emotional show of genuine remorse was what she'd been looking for all along.
As I lie here some fifty-nine years later this midnight in my comfortable bed, I'm faced with my own death. I wonder if what I've done for others has been enough. I pray I've adequately kept my part of the bargain. I was only able to express my gratitude to her for agreeing to remove the cursed talisman through my tears. I'm at peace now, knowing I've done my best. I hope to see her when I get where I'm going. I wish to thank her for making me realize that day things in my life needed to change.
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Dean Kuch
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