Alabaster casts of doubt crumbled down on dawn,
Breaking free my shackled wishes once stolen.
Clapped ears were shut ~ doors falling flat,
Deaf until she spoke to me ~ moonlit whispers upon the tides.
Even further weak, crippled, broken, drunk with concrete
Feet, frightened and bound too tight to scratch steps.
Giving up an agonizing comfort, a face beckoned my dreams ~
Heaving gasps took my lungs like
Icicles exploding into the sun, and
Just as fresh as virgin meadows waking.
Keep me, I plead, with the eyes of a child naked...
Let me be carried into your promised tomorrow,
Meeting under the breath of Heaven with hope,
Never to stumble blindly with empty palms ~
Open to grasp for anyone, any anything to latch on.
Prayer didn't lead you to me, I was too lost to even
Quit, trapped inside an endless swamp, armless to swim...
Rather it was He who was desperately reaching for me.
So His daughter he sent, into a tread through the poison,
To grip my heart and release it through the light,
Up to the heights that only their love could float,
Very much the home from where I plummeted long ago.
With His angel against my back, she now lays the
X that crosses my past, like two fallen columns of onyx.
Yes, infinite days ahead I yearn, protected, with
Zero desire to ever return my heart back again.