Super Pig's Valentine's Day by Roxanna Andrews |
![]() Love one another as I have loved you. John 13:34 Pinky Pig sat on the farmhouse porch in a shaft of sunlight, warming herself on a cold February morning. She heard excited voices inside the house and she looked through the window to see what was happening. "It's beautiful!" Mrs. Farmer was looking at a piece of paper with hearts and flowers printed on the outside and writing on the inside. "What a lovely thing to say," she said, as she gave Mr. Farmer a kiss on the cheek. She handed him the same kind of paper. Mr. Farmer gave her a beaming smile and produced a red velvet, heart shaped box. "Oh, these are my favorite!" Exclaimed Mrs. Farmer. The box was full of fancy chocolates and Mrs. Farmer popped one in her mouth. "Yum!" she said. "Oink!" Pinky said, as she watched Mrs. Farmer swallow the sweet treat. "Hello, Pinky," Mrs. Farmer said, as she opened the door. "Would you like a piece?" and she laid a chocolate at Pinky's feet. Pinky smelled the candy, it smelled wonderful. She gave it a little lick, it tasted wonderful too. She scooped it up on her tongue, chewed and let it slide down her throat. Pinky had never tasted anything like this before and she wanted more. "Oink!" She said, hoping for another piece. "No more," Mrs. Farmer said. "I only get these once a year on Valentine's Day, so I'm a bit selfish with them. Today is my favorite holiday. It's the one day out of the year that is dedicated to love." Mrs. Farmer patted Pinky on the head and went back into the house. "Valentine's Day," thought Pinky. A day set aside just for love? Pinky had to tell everyone. This was an important announcement so she ran to the woodshed to put on her Super Pig costume, because. . . THIS WAS A JOB FOR SUPER PIG! Super Pig stood in the middle of the farmyard and called together the farm animals and their woodland friends. "Listen everyone! I just learned something so wonderful I had to tell you right away. Today is Valentine's Day!" "What's Valentine's Day?" asked Gilbert Gosling. "It's a day set aside just for love. A day to tell your family and friends you love them," Super Pig explained. "What is that on your nose?" Gilbert wanted to know. Super Pig looked down her long snout and saw the little brown smudge at the end. "It's from a sweet treat Mrs. Farmer shared with me. It was a Valentine gift." Gladys Goose had an idea. "Let's all give each other a special Valentine gift." All the animals thought this was a wonderful idea and they ran off to find gifts to give one another. Anson Field Mouse got the red ribbon he'd found and gave it to Annie Mouse; she liked pretty things. Gladys Goose gave Gilbert Gosling a lady bug she had caught that morning. Rocky Raccoon found some beautiful early, white daisies and gave them to Elizabeth Raccoon. Super Pig gave Corine Milk Cow her favorite treat, dandelions. Everyone found something special to give to a friend, but no one gave Super Pig anything. She didn't even notice. She was so happy to see the animals having such a good time, and after all, she did get a piece of the special chocolates from Mrs. Farmer. When the animals realized they had forgotten Super Pig, they felt terrible. Elizabeth Raccoon whispered some instructions to Rocky and he ran to do as she asked. Word spread among the animals and soon everyone was excited about the secret they kept. Rocky brought an old milk can from the barn and splashed water into it. Elizabeth arranged the daisies Rocky had given her into a nice bouquet along with the dandelions Corine Mike Cow had received. Anne Mouse gave her red ribbon and Elizabeth tied it around the milk can. "Isn't it beautiful?" asked Elizabeth when she had finished arranging the flowers. The animals all agreed it was a perfect gift for Super Pig. "What about my gift?" Gilbert Gosling asked. "I want it to be part of Super Pig's gift too." Gilbert held out the lady bug and it flew from his out stretched wing and landed on one of the daisies in the bouquet. Gilbert smiled. "Now it's perfect," he said. The animals hurried to give Super Pig her gift. When they presented her with the bouquet, they shouted, "Happy Valentine's Day!" Super Pig was so surprised. She looked at the beautiful bouquet and saw that each animal had given her their gift. She smelled the flowers and they smelled like a spring day. With a happy heart, and a lump in her throat, Super Pig looked at her friends, "Thank you, everyone," she said. Later that day Mrs. Farmer made Mr. Farmer a special Valentine lunch. She'd made heart shaped cookies with pink frosting for dessert and she'd made enough to share with the animals. As Pinky munched her cookie, she thought about this special day. She thought about how all the animals had given up something so Super Pig could have a wonderful gift. Valentine's Day was a day to say, "I love you", and her friends had said it the best way anyone could. By giving up their own gifts, they had each made a sacrifice and given something from the heart. The best Valentine gift of all had been their love and friendship.
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Roxanna Andrews
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