This is my first book of poetry. I have chosen this unique format as my starting point. This book contains an eclectic mix of: children rhymes, nonsense poems, philosophy, and humor. Thus wide appeal.
America Brought Courageous Democracy,
Egalitarian Faith
Gaining Hope
Keeping Limited Management Over
Non-violent Puritans,
Receiving Safe Theology
Validating Wakened 'Xcess
Yankee Zeal
Author Notes
Religious Freedom is available to all.
Puritans and Quakers are two early famous examples of religious groups that came here seeking freedom from religious oppression. There are many.
Egalitatian means - advocating full equality for all.
Wakened Xcess Zeal - Religious Freedom is Real, Halleluiah!
Had to utilize a little poetic license on the word excess. Hey ever hear of Xmas?
I took this photograph of a Protestant church on Dayton street in St. Paul. I titled it Holy Math. The sign reads: 1 Cross + 3 Nails = 4 Ever