- Maybeby GWHARGIS
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When do you stop a friend from doing something wrong?

Maybe I should have stopped her. Just put my hand across her glass. I know her, she would have waited until I pulled it away.

Maybe I should have told her she had started to cross that line. Four glasses of Chardonnay had started messing up her mind. The alcohol had loosened her tongue.

Maybe I should have led by example. I should have told her it was time to go. But I didn't have the problem.

Maybe I should have taken her keys. Maybe I should have called a cab. Four glasses of Chardonnay have no business behind the wheel.

Next time. Maybe next time I'll take the bull by the horns. Tell her like it is.

Maybe I should have worn green. It was always her favorite color. But mourning is meant for black.

Maybe I should have brought tissues and hid behind dark glasses.

Maybe I should have told her that I thought she had a problem. Things would have been uncomfortable, but I would have been a better friend.

Maybe one day I won't feel like I should have done something.


Author Notes
Written with a dear friend in mind. Losing her to another friend is difficult but losing her to alcohol is hell.


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