- A Wind Chimeby jlsavell
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A gift In Memory, see author's notes
A Wind Chime by jlsavell
Poem of the Month contest entry

Death has pierced the joy of all things cherished
A beauty that perched its sun on your life’s porch
The storm of grief rolled in when one heart perished
Beyond your vision, life’s fertile dream lay scorched
This gift of bells envelop life’s mortal token
Please place it where nature revels in the shade
Sit beneath its station, hear God’s breath spoken
Meditate life’s splendor, though loss has made it fade
Listen…, for within the gentle breeze that blows
across the golden fields and past mourning’s door
Let it bring sweet fond memories, as your tears flow
Releasing life’s bitter sorrow to smile once more
May these wind chimes bell with potent tones
As each zephyr fingers an angelic score
A heavenly orchestration that stands alone
Then floats upon the notes of hope’s sweet shore
Let your faith beseech the melody, of this, please
Listen to your loved one’s voice heard within each song
For the Master’s touch composes with each breeze
To remind you that your loved one now belongs
Within your heart and in God’s hands


Author Notes
On August 9th, my youngest son's father passed away. He was diagnosed with aggressive lung cancer just six weeks before his death. At age 52, it was a tragic blow to his parents and my son. In lieu of flowers, I purchased a beautifully crafted wind-chime with exquisite tonal quality. The idea was shared with me by a friend. I wrote this work and placed it on the anchor of the chime. This is in loving memory of a fine man and a father. Thank you for reviewing.
Thank you Outdoor Wonders for A Bit Of Tranquility. Could not find a suitable artwork with wind-chimes.
I am glad to be back after some much needed downtime.


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