- Sunshine in My Basketby mrgrunty
This work has reached the exceptional level
All the things we never say...
Sunshine in My Basket by mrgrunty

You make me feel like porridge
on a frosty winter's morn.
You make me feel like new logs
on a fire.

You make me feel like jumping
up and down upon my bed.
You make me feel like walking
on a wire.

You make me feel like smiling
when it seems I've lost the touch.
You make me fill with sunshine
when I tire.

And all the while I thank you
from the bottom of my heart.
And all the while you give what
I require.

You give me hope to wonder
if my dreams are not misplaced.
You give me hope to which I
can aspire.

You give me hope I'm seeing
for the first time in so long.
You give me hope and feelings
I desire.

You give me hope there's better
than to be here on my own.
You make me hope you're there when
I retire.


 And all the while I thank you
from the bottom of my heart.
And all the while you give what
I require.




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