- Success is a Journey, not a Destinaby dejohnsrld (Debbie)
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Short Essay on Living a Happy
Success is a Journey, not a Destina by dejohnsrld (Debbie)

                                             Life Is A Journey, Not A Destination - Successories

Someday, I want to buy a cabin in the woods in Arkansas, by a lake or river, and live there with my very affectionate dog. I would like to live as much as possible off  the land. I want enough money to be able to take both educational as well as artistic classes that interest me while being able to maintain a comfortable lifestyle. This is my goal, my destination.

If I waited for all of that to come true, I would miss out on much of my life, as this destination is, at least several years away from now. Is success getting to that goal? I say no.

Success is to enjoy life as we live it, not putting off happiness, until we reach our goal or destination. It is enjoying life as you work toward your goals. Likely, I will spend much more of my life working toward this, than I will live after achieving it. I need to live a happy life now too. The future is where our destination is. We should plan well, but not dwell on the future. We should enjoy today as much as we can.

Some of us live in the past. We may have made a few mistakes along the way, and hopefully, remember not to repeat them. We should remember the good times in our past and not focus on the negative. The past is over and we can't change it. Living in the past prevents us from enjoying the present.

The present is where we should be spending almost all of our time. It is only in the present that we can enjoy our lives and participate in life with others. Only in the present are we able to notice sensory details. In the present, all of our senses are alive. We can see a flower, smell it, touch the leaves and the petals, and listen as the wind rustles the leaves. Some people will actually go as far as to taste it. I am not one of them. This is fully enjoying the present.

Life is a journey, not a destination means we should live our lives to the fullest everyday. Constantly living in the past or the future prevents us from living now which is the definition of living successfully. Enjoy today while you work toward tomorrow. Don't focus on the past ,as it is what it is, and can't be changed. I wish your success in living  today.

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Author Notes
Quote from Successories

Artwork by snickersnax


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