Miracles : Miracles - Chap 15 by Begin Again |
![]() As they reached the car, Garth glanced back one last time at Vince Rossi and climbed into the passenger seat.
Tango gave him a strange look but shrugged and walked around to the driver's seat. As he climbed inside, Garth tossed the keys to him. "You okay, boss? Thought you'd be celebrating that it wasn't Donatelli in the car." Garth stared out the window, sorting his emotions. He'd been battling with how he'd left things with Donatelli, knowing that if he had been in that car, he might not have had the chance to make it right with his friend. Relief had swept through him when Tango had signaled it wasn't Matthew, but now he wondered what Vince Rossi had to do with any of this and if Doyle was behind it. "My gut tells me that this isn't going to end well if Maxwell and Deluca have anything to say about it." "You don't think DeLuca would turn against his fellow officer, do you? I don't know the guy, but they did work in the same department, right?" "Yes, they did. I don't know him either, but when a guy like Donatelli is at the top, most everyone else wants to knock him down." "But — what about Maxwell? He's a special prosecutor. How does he work into the situation?" "Doesn't it seem odd to you that a special prosecutor has already been appointed, and technically, there isn't a case yet? Supposedly, they didn't know it wasn't Donatelli in that car until we all saw the other guy. If it had been Matthew, who's to say he didn't get drunk and miss the curve, driving off the edge of the cliff." "Now that you mention it, it does seem strange. Did they know someone held a grudge against him?" Tango hesitated, and then his eyes widened. "You don't think the Judge is behind all this, do you?" "I do. What prosecutor and detective are driving around with the underworld's lawyer in their back seat — unless he's in handcuffs, which he wasn't? Something is going on, and we need to figure out what it is and get to Donatelli before they do." "Where do you think he could be?" Tango started the car, but still looked at his boss. "At this moment, I don't know, but I would bet Eleanor does or has a good idea. I want you and Poppa to do some digging on the wallet — a nice play, by the way." "Thanks. I figured we deserved a leg up if they were going to kick us off the case." "They can say whatever they want, but we'll still do our own investigating — just try to stay off the radar. Drop me off at the estate. I think Eleanor and the girls are still there." "You know you will have some hysterical women on your hands." "I suspect so, but they need to know it's not Matthew. Especially Jenna." "I know she had a few dates with him, but I didn't think it was anything serious. Was I wrong?" "I'm not sure where their relationship was headed, but Jenna doesn't need any more stress in her life right now," Garth said as he looked out the window, not wanting to betray Jenna's trust about the pregnancy. "There's a car parked in the driveway, so someone is there. You get with Poppa, and I'll call you when I need a ride." "Sure thing. Poppa texted a while ago and is running a background check on the guy as we speak." "Thanks." Garth climbed out of the SUV and watched Tango pull out of the driveway. He could still see the crane on the cliff and Donatelli's car. Muttering under his breath, he asked, "Matthew, what did you get yourself into, and where are you?" He kicked a piece of gravel with his boot and pushed his Stetson back on his head. "I'm sure glad you weren't in that car, but I think your troubles are just starting regardless of where you are." ***** As Jenna lay on the antique sofa, Rebecca fluffed the cold compress against her forehead. "Do you think we should call someone?" Danni whispered, glancing around the room. "I don't know, but we can't leave her like this," Rebecca replied, trembling. She straightened some of the cushions, her eyes flickering to the tall windows, half expecting to see someone outside. "Eleanor said Garth was coming, and now she's disappeared. I don't understand any of this." The gravel crunched under tires, and Danni turned towards the driveway. A vehicle pulled in, and her heart pounded as she recognized Garth stepping out. Relief washed over her, but anxiety twisted within her — what if Donatelli was dead? Danni hurried to the door, swinging it open as Garth climbed the steps. "Is it Matthew?" she asked, her body shaking with fear. "No, it's not Matthew." An enormous sigh escaped Danni's mouth, followed by several more questions as the detective side of her kicked in. Garth's eyes searched for Jenna as he strode into the living room. "Is she okay?" Garth asked, worried, as he rushed inside, his eyes fixed on Jenna's pale face. "I — I think she fainted," Rebecca stammered, stepping aside to let Garth take charge. Garth knelt next to the sofa, focusing on Jenna, who was beginning to stir. Danni stood at the edge of the room, wringing her hands, her eyes darting to Garth, pleading for answers. "Jenna, hey," Garth said softly, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "Can you hear me?" She cracked her eyes, confusion etched on her features. "Garth? What happened?" He took a deep breath, forcing himself to maintain eye contact, knowing that clarity was crucial. "I need to tell you something important. The car that was pulled from the lake — it belonged to Donatelli." Danni inhaled, stepping closer as she processed his words. "If it was Donatelli's car, where is he?" Garth met Danni's gaze, his expression serious. "It wasn't Donatelli in the car." Danni pressed, her voice rising slightly with confusion and concern. "If it wasn't him, then who was it? And where is Matthew? Why isn't he answering his phone?" "That's what we need to figure out," Garth replied. "The driver was someone else. It's a complicated situation, and there's a chance —" he hesitated, gauging Jenna's reaction as she sat up, taking in his words, "there's a chance they were setting him up. This is bigger than just a car accident." Now awake, Jenna's brow furrowed with worry, her gaze shifting between Garth and Danni. "They? Who's behind this, Garth? Is Matthew in danger?" "That's what we need to find out," he answered. "The car wasn't an accident. Someone wanted Donatelli out of the picture." Danni nodded, finally finding her footing amidst the turmoil. "We need to find Matthew. He's the key to all of this. If he can't be found, he could be walking into a trap." Garth looked around the room. "I was expecting Eleanor." "She was here before I fainted. Danni, did she say she was going somewhere?" "No, not to me." Danni sensed Eleanor was still nearby but gathered she didn't want anyone to know. "You know Eleanor — she probably needed a few minutes alone to think. I'm sure she'll be right back." Jenna looked at Garth, determination sparking in her eyes. "We need to do something. We can't just sit here and wait for answers. There has to be someone who knows where he is." 'I've got Tango and Poppa on it already. We need to stay one step ahead of whoever else is looking for him." Garth turned to Danni. "What's the scoop on DeLuca and special prosecutor Owen Maxwell?" Danni's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "DeLuca is a second-rate detective as far as I am concerned. He got his shield thanks to who his father was. And I never heard of Owen Maxwell. Why do you ask?" "They showed up when we lifted the car from the lake. Told me it wasn't an FBI case, and we were no longer needed." "DeLuca did? That's strange. I thought he was on desk duty for some case he botched a few weeks ago. Why would there be a special prosecutor? We don't even know if there's a case, do we?" "Well, chew on this — Vince Rossi was with them." "Rossi! Garth, none of this is making any sense." "Exactly! We've got to find Donatelli and be very careful about it. I think Doyle is behind this, and it will be a frame job." Jenna gasped. "Doyle hates Matthew." Danni rushed to Jenna's side. "Don't worry. We're going to find him. Nobody's going to frame him. He's too good of a cop for that." "I hope you're right, Danni, but Doyle is as crooked as they come." Rebecca stood near the window, staring out across the yard. Garth approached her, touching her arm. "Are you okay? It's not much of a celebration, is it?" Rebecca shook her head. "I don't know — I can see the beauty and potential, but I'm not sure I want all the history that goes with it." "Give it time, Rebecca. This certainly wasn't anything any of us could have expected." He sighed. "I just wish I knew where Eleanor disappeared to." ***** "Miriam!" Eleanor approached the woman standing near the water's edge. "I sensed you wanted to talk to me." "I did." She answered but didn't turn to greet Eleanor. "Is it about the car they pulled from the lake?" Miriam stood there, eerily quiet, as she stared at the cliff. Eleanor pressed, knowing their time was running short. "It was my friend's car, but he wasn't in it. Someone else was, and they died." "I know. I saw it happen, and when the other car left, Willow and I took the cart and went to take a look. That's when I found him, or what was left of him." Miriam turned to look at Eleanor. "He doesn't know who he is." "But I do! His name is Matthew Donatelli. He's a detective." "I found his badge, so I suspected as much, but when I showed him the shield, it didn't mean anything to him. He's in bad shape. Broken ribs, I believe. I bandaged the wounds the best I could, but he needs better care." "I can do that if you let me see him." Eleanor held her breath, praying that Miriam would give in. "He said I could bring you." "When?" Eleanor grabbed Miriam's hand. "Can we go now?" "Won't your friends follow you? We can't trust anyone. I saw the FBI guy arrive a little while ago." Eleanor glanced back at the house. "I suppose they've had enough fright for the night. I'll go talk to them, and then we can go." Miriam stood, staring at the house, without saying a word. "Miriam, I've got to see Matthew. If you don't want me to tell my friends, I won't." Miriam shook her head. "You trusted me, so I should trust you. Go, but hurry and come back alone." "I will. I promise." Eleanor started toward the house when Miriam called out to her. "Eleanor — I feel the noose tightening. Time is running out." Eleanor nodded and disappeared as a chill ran up her spine. How am I going to convince Garth to remain behind?
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Begin Again
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