- Patch and Ruby Fix Helen's Mews by Debi Pick Marquette
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Fictional ~Patch and Ruby set out to fix Helen's mews (muse)
Patch and Ruby
: Patch and Ruby Fix Helen's Mews by Debi Pick Marquette

Our Helen teased her muse was broke

But Patch could never take a joke

So. Patch said this can't be good news

She had to help her missus mews

So, Patch on her iPad would Skype

To Ruby, who's the helpful type

Then Ruby said, can you tell me

What is this mews s'pose to be

Is it a body part perhaps

A place with age that starts to lapse

Then Patch said, it was in her head

She says that now it's blank instead

Some kind of food is my belief

When I feel blank, it gives relief

Then Ruby said, I think I know

The very place that we should go

On Amazon we're sure to find

Just what we need to fill her mind

"Meows" comes up when I search "mews" 

So I just found what she can use

And now her mews we're sure to fix

We ordered Helen Meow Mix 

And both of us we know she'll thank

With head and mews no longer blank


Author Notes
(1st) Patch and Ruby's Plan
(Helen's Patch and Kenzie's Ruby out to stop the moving)

(2nd) Patch and Ruby~ Hawaii or Bust
(A story in a poem)


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