He lives in California and Nolan is his real name
And since he met Yvonne, his life has never been the same
They've been married for 50 years and happy as can be
And they were blessed with three children into their family
Their eldest daughter passed away; they'd raise her girl and boy
And now they have three great grandkids that they truly enjoy
He's a Jehovah Witness Baptized Christian minister
And always been the kind of guy with whom you could confer
And Nolan was just seventeen when he joined the Air Force
His sergeant was abusive and no charges would enforce
Though 66 times charged, and no one dared to tell their side
But Nolan would put him away when he had testified
And you can read about his journey, from his joy to strife
His to be published book will tell about his awesome life
And when his book is finished, we hope he will let us know
An interview tells much about him, I did long ago
And we know that you're not the kind of guy to celebrate
But as your friends we hope you know we love you, but would hate
To let this day go by and not at least communicate
Our Happy Birthday Wishes, Nomi; we think you are great
Author Notes
Nomi's kids-Yvette, Kevin and Jennifer
His eldest daughter Yvette passed away in 2006, and they raised her son Jabaree who is now 25 years old, her foster daughter Josie who is 27 years old and has three children, Willie Junior, a step child, Elijahh her first born, and Aaliyah her baby, who is the darling of the family.