- A Musical Christmas Birthdayby Debi Pick Marquette
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This picture was taken at Royal Albert Hall where Paul sang
: A Musical Christmas Birthday by Debi Pick Marquette


Paul was an only child, and all his relatives are gone

He never married, but it doesn’t mean he has no one

‘Cause all his friends and students are so close to this man’s heart

He has lived such a full life, so I wonder where to start


His music and his ministry, combined had struck a chord

Because he loves to sing his praises to his Mighty Lord


He’s a retired teacher and he taught fifty four years

His God, music and teaching: in a nutshell, his careers

Paul had a certain touch when he was planting learning seeds

They called him the Magician; helping kids with special needs


He has composed so many songs; from musical research

And he still sings them now, but it is mostly in his church


It has been seven months since he has come to FanStory

And as he wins in contests; he has much for us to see 

A story that he brought with him is his, “Charlie the cat”

He was a children’s author, and how great he was at that


It must be quite an honor to be born on Christmas Day 

We’ll celebrate you both but do it in a different way


Prom Praise events that he performed at Royal Albert Hall

He sang there twenty times or more, and still it honors Paul,

So he lives in North London, and he knows there he belongs

His plans for the near future: worship, poetry and songs


We wish you Happy Birthday Paul, and Merry Christmas too

We’re happy that you’re here with us, Please know that we love you



Author Notes
At 4:30 AM, Central time, I was about to post this birthday poem for Paul Manton, when I went to pm him first to tell him that I was going to release. Instead there was a message for me saying EMERGENCY, he was going back to the hospital, that there had been side effects from his procedure. Please pray for Paul, as this is his second hospitalization for this situation.

My Merry~go~Rhyme Rules:
1. must rhyme
2. must be fun
3. normal 4 line stanzas
4. a fun line or 2 between each stanza (for the up and down carousel effect)
5. and mostly carefree and joyful (for the round and round effect)
6. may have sadness in poem, but must have joyful ending, to keep the theme going


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