All this time we've struggled to get to this place,
Marching through the streets and over the bridges
With our hands raised above our heads in fists;
We've voted for it, fought for it, even died for it
Only to find that it lies in ruins.
We've hauled down the monuments of the heros
Who once seemed like giants of their time,
Spray painted one set of slogans over another,
Rewritten the history books,
Ransacked the state houses
And shouted each other down,
Found ourselves in mobs bent on vengeance
Or misguided intentions,
All on a long march we call 'progress.'
In the end, we've only gone in circles.
And the place itself was, after all, only space.
A blank page, an empty stage
Waiting for us to write or make our mark on.
It isn't really freedom itself that matters.
It's what we do with it.