- Birthday Joy Along Her Wayby Debi Pick Marquette
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Art is picture of cover for Verna's newly released book
: Birthday Joy Along Her Way by Debi Pick Marquette

She's filled with grace, a sacred place

It's where her humble, dear heart lives

Her faith in God shows on her face

With love that she so freely gives 

Her dad a preacher, she held dear

Her three siblings, five years apart

Mom's church piano, played by ear

Just memories now in her heart

Her Leon~Sixty five year mate

Kids~Dennis, Debra, joy of life

Her four grandchildren, seven greats

Most loved~(Great) Grandma, mom and wife

North Carolina is her home

An English teacher when she taught 

When not writing, she's thinking poem 

The teacher in her, still in thought

She loves her family and Lord

Chocolate, hymns, walks with Leon

Her music, writing, never bored

Old movies, list goes on and on


So let's go to Verna's Partay

Such birthday joy along the way

We'll read her book without delay

Where wisdom, joy and love portray

She's loved by all ~ was a survey

But one more thing we need to say

Dear Verna, have a Great Birthday


At Amazon is Verna's book

If in a contest, she'd get votes

Also on Kindle, take a look

More info in my author's notes


Author Notes
Verna Cole Mitchell: Her new poetry book, a compilation of her favorites from her previously published books, plus about a half dozen new poems, is up now on Amazon - JOY ALONG MY WAY. (Read for free on Kindle Unlimited)

Party was purposely misspelled to add a little humor

Nobody better than Jimmy Fortune, to sing a lovely hymn and song for Verna's birthday
mmy Fortune


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