- His amazing graceby Wendy G
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Beyond imagining ...
His amazing grace by Wendy G
Faith Flash contest entry

My faith in Jesus has given depth and rich meaning to my life.

Without Him life has no purpose. Being born to live and then die is pointless. Death’s our inevitable destiny. Life is like grass in the fields; it grows, then quickly dies. Or like flowers, beautiful but ephemeral. Or like morning mist which soon disperses with the sun’s warmth.

I wanted more, needed to see a bigger purpose than temporal earthly experiences, relationships, and successes – meaningless if this swiftly passing life was all.

I also wanted justice for wrongs done throughout man’s history.

Without Him, life held a spiritual void, a meaningless existence.

When I trusted Jesus to be my Saviour, I was born again into God’s family, forgiven, accepted, and adopted by a perfect Father who was loving, just, righteous, and holy. Amazing.

He chose me to be His, in His family of forgiven ones. To my amazement, I read that He delighted in me, rejoiced over me, and even had a plan for me. Unbelievable, but true.

Many times, I’ve been in dangerous situations, and experienced inexplicable protection. I’ve faced difficult and confusing choices, and experienced inexplicable direction. I’ve been unjustly abused and accused, and experienced His inexplicable peace.

I am daily drawn to Him by His unending and unfathomable love, by His patience towards me, by His ongoing forgiveness when I fail to honour Him.  My goal? A life that pleases Him until He takes me to be with Him.

I don’t fear death, although I’m not looking forward to the pain-filled processes of dying. But dying’s not final after all. Eternal life with Him is beyond my imagining.

I know the One I believe in. He is, and will be, with me always – because He promised, and He always keeps His promises.



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