- Happy Birthday Helen (lyenochka)by Debi Pick Marquette
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Patch, the adorable standing cat belongs to Helen
: Happy Birthday Helen (lyenochka) by Debi Pick Marquette


She's known as the birthday poet

Although she's not sure of the date

Her birthday's within 30 days

So it's a month long celebrate


Her mom studied to be a doctor

 Helen was born premature

In those times of  post war Korea

Times were rough; of that they're sure


She has a hubby who loves her dearly

Her two daughters are ten years apart

She has two granddaughters and a grandson

 She has such a loving, caring heart


An amazingly, wonderful woman

Who's respected by all she knows

In this world of so many thorns

She's such a beautiful rose

Her strong faith in God shines so bright

I feel blessed to be her friend

A kinder woman, you'll never find

 Loving wishes to her we send


Author Notes
I got such a kick out of her silly standing cat, that I almost wrote a Dr Seuss type one for it, but I think he covered that one already. Lol.


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