Dear God,
I tried to call you today on the royal telephone. The lines were jammed with calls but the angels were taking messages. I wanted to speak with you directly because I have a request to make.
Before I listened to you, really listened, I was like a lot of your children today. Selfish, greedy and sometimes cruel to their fellow-man.
One of your clergy taught me about humility. I did lose my leg, but gained so much more. I realised I was just a grain of sand on your mighty shore.
I have a request to make of you Father, I am old now, sick and can't do much for myself. My faith is strong, my body is weak. I so miss my family who are all with you. I cry for what humans have done to this beautiful planet you created for us. I am asking you, what gift I can give mankind that will turn them away from the dark side? Time is running out for me; so many young people dismiss you out of hand. I believe through ignorance.
If you would allow me to be a voice for Jesus. Speaking about my faith to those who live in darkness; a witness I could be for Him.
Thank you for loving me Father God
Your fragile child, Kay
Author Notes
Contest Entry for 'Dear God' a letter.