- The Pretty Kittyby Tina Crute
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The City Kitty
The Pretty Kitty by Tina Crute
    Phonics and Phonemes Challenge Contest Winner 

Artwork by suzannethompson2 at

In the city of McVitty, lived an itty-bitty kitty. Her name was Sissy. She loved the big city. She was so very pretty for a kitty.

Sissy, the itty-bitty, pretty kitty was prissy. She was prissy like her sister, Missy. Sissy's nick-name was Sassy-cat. Her sister, Missy, called her that.

One day, Missy asked Sissy this: "Do you want to make a wish?"

"I would love that!!" said Sissy "I will wish for a hat!"

"A hat?" Missy asked, "Why would you wish for that?"

"How can I be a prissy, pretty, itty bitty kitty in a big city like McVitty with a big sister that calls me 'Sassy cat,' if I do not have a pretty itty bitty kitty cat hat?" Sissy asked.

Missy got dizzy listening to prissy Sissy and her wish for a big city cat hat. So Missy sat and sat and thought about that. Sissy also sat and sat and thought about her cat hat.

It was time for a nap, so Missy and Sissy fell asleep dreaming of pretty, itty-bitty kitty hats for big city, pretty kitties that are prissy like Missy and Sissy. In Sissy's dream, her cat hat wish came true!

And that was the end of that!

Phonics and Phonemes Challenge
Contest Winner


Author Notes
This story will help reinforce short vowel phonemes of 'i' and 'a', as in sit and sat.
Thank you suzzannethompson2 for your artwork of a kitty!


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