My Life-Fulfilling Experience by Jesse James Doty Story of the Month contest entry |
![]() When I met the pre-op nurse, she knew my surgeon and had recently been to her birthday party at her house. They are good friends. While she took my vital signs, I was in no distress and my heart rate and blood pressure were lower than usual. I felt elated as if I were going to have something life-changing happen to me. The odd and funny thing was that no one could put in my IV successfully until the Anesthesiologist, who was so kind, put the IV in right before I went into the operating room. He and I had a chance to bond before he put me under general anesthesia. As I went into the operating room, they were joyfully listening to 80's music and they asked me if I minded. I looked around and saw joy and joviality, along with a keen sense of teamwork and friendship among the crew and, I knew I was in great hands. I laughed and said I loved music and I would be happy for them to play 80's music while operating on me. No surprise, my surgery was a complete success!!! Later that same day, I left the hospital and returned to my home. All my friends were surprised I didn't spend at least a couple of days at the hospital but no, my surgeon promised me that I would go directly home after it was over, and I did...Yay! My recovery has been nothing short of remarkable. I had my surgery on July 22nd of this year, and I started with a prescription from the surgeon for oxycodone 10 mg. tabs. I took one or two of them every four hours as needed for the pain. That went on for several days with my sleep being interrupted by pain and having to start each morning with a pain pill. Starting on August 11th I had my very last oxycodone and have been on Hydrocodone 5 mg tabs since then. I take the Norco as it is called, every 8 hours with three tabs a day the limit per my prescription from my regular doctor. I am very proud of coming off of the oxys by myself without any outside influence. My doctor and pharmacist wanted me, for some strange reason, to stay on the oxys longer, but I said 'No, I want to get that monkey off my back as soon as I can.' People ask me why I don't join clubs, Facebook, or other groups, and I tell them I prefer to be self-motivated. This shows in my choice to get off the stronger pain pills as soon as I could. I am making lots of progress with my resolve to get out of my wheelchair and walk again. I have signed up with a health organization called Home Health and they are coming out to my residence twice a week to assist in my walking with the help of a walker. I will be going down the hallway where I live with the wheelchair behind me and walking with the aid of a walker. It worked before and I am sure it will work even better this time. I have written about my goals before, but they are worth repeating now. I want to walk with the help of walking sticks in the sand of a nearby beach. I want to hike on nature trails, there are so many thanks, near where I live. I know in my heart and gut that these goals are attainable, and I have the support of my friends and caregivers to supply me with welcomed encouragement. Mostly, though, I motivate myself and I am very grateful for the many gifts I have, such as friendship, soothing music to listen to, and the love of my cat, Sunny. I have an apartment with a beautiful fifth-story view of redwood trees and enough food and outdoor activities to keep me enjoying a wonderful quality of life.
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Jesse James Doty
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