- Night Birds Singby Jesse James Doty
This work has reached the exceptional level
Possibilities for my personal growth
Night Birds Sing by Jesse James Doty

At 5 am I hear the first night bird sing. Then, one after another joins in until the day breaks and other birds add their tunes and fill the morning with song and revelry.

On the computer since 3 am, I sit back and listen instead to the wonderful sounds and sights of the new sunrise. Oh, the majesty at the coming of a brand new day!
With it, comes the possibilities for adventure and dreams fulfilled!

Soon after daybreak, the crows and ravens begin their caws, and croaks, as the morning tule fog rolls in from the hills of Humboldt County. Isolated cars come streaming by, making a loud roar, which echoes through the streets.

As I begin my morning routine, I realize how grateful I am for my keen hearing that makes up for my declining eyesight. I hope to get out of this wheelchair soon, and walk with a walker and then, hopefully, with my already purchased, Walking Sticks.

Life is good and is improving every day. I look forward to the day when I can walk unaided along nature trails and put my toes in the sand of a nearby beach.


Author Notes
My love of nature and my love of self-improvement mix to conceive this prose piece. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading.


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