Self Improvement Non-Fiction posted January 6, 2018

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An opinion on writer's voice and style

Style + Voice = Magic

by D.F. Wood

I believe it is the art of blending one's voice with style that determines the quality of the writer. A writer's voice is the way they choose their words and phrases to tell their story. For example, when someone refers to a writer as a good storyteller, they're saying the writer has a good voice. Each writer has a distinct voice and most likely, it comes natural to them. When it comes to a writer's style, there are limitations. A style consists of rules based on the purpose or application of the writing. The use of standardized styles improves communication. They enable a writer's writing to be clear, cohesive, comprehensible, concise, and correct (the five Cs).

It is challenging for a writer to choose the correct style according to the application. The writing style for a blogger could be different than that used by a newspaper reporter. The style used to write in a medical journal would be different than that used to write a grade-school text book. Adapting your writing voice to the required style is the magic to quality writing. Knowing your grammar and punctuation rules helps too.

In conclusion, use your good voice, blend it with the right style, and then, if and only then, you may become a great writer.

I Believe writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story or essay that begins with the sentence: I believe _______ (finish the sentence). Maximum word count: 1,000.


I still struggle in determining the rules per style, and style per application, when it comes to writing.
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