Children Poetry posted March 28, 2017

This work has reached the exceptional level
the wonders of dreaming


by pome lover

Children's Rhyming Poem Contest Winner 

The other night while sleeping
I dreamed that I could fly.
I sailed right out my window
Into the dark blue sky.
I looked around in wonder,
For much to my surprise
The stars were changing colors
Before my very eyes!
Some stars were pink and purple,
Some had green polka dots,
One star had red triangles,
 One had Dalmatian spots.
And there were dogs and dolphins
All smiling, as they said,
“Your mom asked us to give you
A kiss when you’re in bed.”
I flew back in my window
Quick as a hummingbird,
Slid down beneath my covers
And didn’t say a word.
I tried to catch them coming.
But when I took a peek
My mom was leaning over
To kiss me on my cheek.

Writing Prompt
Write a poem for a child.

Children's Rhyming Poem
Contest Winner

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by cleo85 at

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