Family Non-Fiction posted February 28, 2017

This work has reached the exceptional level
A party for Blondie

Doctor Carol

by prettybluebirds

I Remember Contest Winner 

I remember when I was at my Aunt Grace's house for a visit in the summer of 1952. I was six years old.

Aunt Grace never had any children of her own and often 'borrowed' one of us kids for short visits. She spoiled us rotten while we were there, so we all welcomed the chance to spend time with Auntie, as we called her. My mother never objected, and why would she, with twelve children she probably welcomed a bit of help.

After spending three days with Auntie, and 'helping,' her do some canning, I was getting a bit lonesome for my brothers and sisters. It was almost too quiet and boring at her house, so when I saw the mailman coming, I raced down the tree lined drive to retrieve the mail. I was surprised to see a small white envelope with my name on it. The return address was my dad's farm, but the name said, Doctor Carol.

"Look, Auntie, I got a letter, but I don't know who it's from." I was jumping up and down with excitement as I handed her the envelope.

"Well, let's find out, shall we? It must be pretty important because it says doctor on the front of It." Auntie's eyes twinkled with amusement as she carefully slit the letter open. "Oh my, it is indeed crucial. Do you want me to read it, or can you read it yourself?"

"I can read it, I can read it."

Auntie handed me the card, and the first thing I noticed was a picture of a happy cat carefully depicted in cartoon form. Beside the big cat were five little ones. Under the drawing was a short note that read:

Mrs. Blondie Pussycat at this moment requests your presence for the christening of her newly arrived children; two girls and three boys. The little ones arrived yesterday at 2:00 p.m with Doctor Carol presiding. A party, with cake and ice cream, will follow the ceremony.

"Oh, look, Auntie. Blondie had her kittens. Will Uncle take me home so I can see them?"

"Tomorrow morning," Auntie laughed. "Your Uncle and I are coming to the christening party too, if that's okay with you."

Of course, it was all right with me. I could hardly sleep that night as I lay on Auntie's couch and listened to the tick-tock of their old wind-up wall clock, the chimes announced each passing hour. I was so excited about the new kittens and the party planned for the next day it seemed the night would never end.

The cat, Blondie, was a barn cat, and I don't know how many kittens she produced in her lifetime. At least two litters a year of three to five kittens each time. My older sister, Carol, made this time special with her announcement and the party with cake and ice cream. Of course, Blondie got her share of ice cream too.

Sixty- five years later, I never have forgotten how excited I was over such a small thing. Sometimes it is the little things that stick in our minds forever and become a favorite memory. The note and christening party for an old barn cat is one of my particularly favorite 'I remembers.'

Writing Prompt
Begin your non-fiction autobiographical story or poem with the words 'I remember...' Complete the sentence conveying a moment, an object, a feeling, etc. This does not have to be a profound memory, but should allow readers insight into your feelings, observations and/or thoughts. Use at least 100, but not more than 1,000 words. The count should be stated in your author notes.

I Remember
Contest Winner


Yes, I could read very well at the age of six. Mom encouraged reading and I could read before I started school. My sister, Carol, became a registered nurse and has spent her entire life caring for others. She never married and is very family oriented, always ready to care for any of us who need her. Carol is 85 and still living with my younger sister, gardening, caring for her yard, and in excellent health. May we all be so blessed to have a sister like her. The picture is of my brother Ken and I. Word count, 543
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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