General Poetry posted May 3, 2016 |
A Ballad
The Song Thrush
by tfawcus
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Although Croaghaun is a mountain on the coast of the Isle of Achill in Ireland, this legend is purely an invention of the author, composed in the form of a ballad. It draws on some elements of Irish mythology to lend an air of verisimilitude, but there is no such legend to be found in Irish folklore.
Achill (Eagle Island) is largely covered in peat bog. Common flowers and grasses include ling (heather), purple marsh grass, and bog asphodel. It is renowned for sudden weather changes with mists obscuring the landscape.
A selkie is a mythical creature resembling a seal that takes human form on land
'leannan' is a Gaelic word for sweetheart.
'colleen' is an Irish word meaning 'country girl'.
Sith is derived from the Gaelic word for 'faerie'.
Both Maeve and Mavis are Irish names derived from the Gaelic for a song thrush (T. Philomelos).
The Land of Youth is an Irish expression that roughly equates to heaven.
The curlew, a bird common to marshy habitats, is considered in folklore to be a harbinger of death.
In European folklore the rowan tree is considered to be a protection against faerie sprites. Also, in Greek mythology there is a connection between the rowan tree and the eagle. [Hebe, the goddess of youth, supplied ambrosia to the gods from a magical chalice. When she lost this cup to demons, the gods sent an eagle to recover it. The feathers and drops of blood which the eagle shed in the ensuing fight with the demons fell to earth, where each of them turned into a rowan tree. Hence the rowan derived the shape of its leaves from the eagle's feathers and the appearance of its berries from the droplets of blood.]
Image by Taco Meeuwsen from Hellevoetsluis, The Netherlands (THRUSH TUNE) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.
one point
and 2 member cents. Achill (Eagle Island) is largely covered in peat bog. Common flowers and grasses include ling (heather), purple marsh grass, and bog asphodel. It is renowned for sudden weather changes with mists obscuring the landscape.
A selkie is a mythical creature resembling a seal that takes human form on land
'leannan' is a Gaelic word for sweetheart.
'colleen' is an Irish word meaning 'country girl'.
Sith is derived from the Gaelic word for 'faerie'.
Both Maeve and Mavis are Irish names derived from the Gaelic for a song thrush (T. Philomelos).
The Land of Youth is an Irish expression that roughly equates to heaven.
The curlew, a bird common to marshy habitats, is considered in folklore to be a harbinger of death.
In European folklore the rowan tree is considered to be a protection against faerie sprites. Also, in Greek mythology there is a connection between the rowan tree and the eagle. [Hebe, the goddess of youth, supplied ambrosia to the gods from a magical chalice. When she lost this cup to demons, the gods sent an eagle to recover it. The feathers and drops of blood which the eagle shed in the ensuing fight with the demons fell to earth, where each of them turned into a rowan tree. Hence the rowan derived the shape of its leaves from the eagle's feathers and the appearance of its berries from the droplets of blood.]
Image by Taco Meeuwsen from Hellevoetsluis, The Netherlands (THRUSH TUNE) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.
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