Spiritual Poetry posted February 7, 2014

This work has reached the exceptional level
Rhyming quatrains in iambic tetrameter

Not Lost

by Peter@Poole

Would that you were my valentine,
right here, could say that you're still mine;
last year you did, and proved it too;
I so remember kissing you,

your tender lips, and flowing hair
let down, so I could only stare
and wonder if a dream you were,
or if you'd more on me confer.

And now, this year, although you're gone,
your warm embrace still lingers on,
and seems so real when, in the night,
I stir, wake up, turn on the light.

Then, as I see your vision fade,
I think of sacred vows we've made,
that who'd be left must even smile,
because we're parted but a while.

So I can wait, despite this pain
and trust that I'll see you again;
with this my frequent fears are quelled;
for sure in Jesus' arms you're held.

These days, when people come my way,
commiserate, inclined to say,
"You've lost your wife then; that's so sad,"
I tell them why it's not that bad.

How can I say that Jinny's lost?
For even when in dreams I'm tossed,
reality comes to my aid;
She went to Glory, unafraid!

If she were lost, I'd not know where,
but she resides in Jesus' care,
our Saviour keeps his promises!


Jesus comforted his disciples with the following words, and they apply to us too:

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you,I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am..." John Chap 14: verses 1-3.
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