General Poetry posted October 27, 2013 Chapters: 1 2 -3- 4... 

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A pantoum about senile dementia
A chapter in the book Pantoum Collection

Lost for Words

by tfawcus

My tongue now stumbles over words
They disassemble in my brain
They fluster like a flock of birds
Unravel what I've said again

They disassemble in my brain
My mind is blank, the words dispersed
Unravel what I've said again
I grasp for meanings now reversed

My mind is blank, the words dispersed
Like ancient leaves that fall from trees
I grasp for meanings now reversed
They slip and swirl and gently tease

Like ancient leaves that fall from trees
My thoughts are lost. They're not my own
They slip and swirl and gently tease
My mind's a shell I have outgrown

My thoughts are lost. They're not my own
They fluster like a flock of birds
My mind's a shell I have outgrown
My tongue now stumbles over words


Earned A Seal Of Quality

The pantoum, with its shifts in meaning and its repetitions seemed like the perfect form in which to write about the confused state of mind that comes with senile dementia.

It has repeating lines throughout. The 2nd and 4th lines of each stanza are repeated as the 1st and 3rd lines of the next. Additionally, to complete the circularity, the 3rd and 1st lines of the poem become, respectively, the 2nd and 4th lines of the last stanza.

This is the last in my current series of pantoums. The time has come to lock horns with the villanelle! It could be a lengthy struggle with not much to show for it for a while!
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