| Letters and Diary Poetry
posted February 3, 2012 |
A Valentine Note to valuable friendships
This Arrival
Sometimes there are people
that arrive in your life so unexpected;
bringing with them comfort, love, acceptance,
understanding, encouragement, and inspiration;
but most of all, they bring with them
a heart that is as genuine as God's rare diamonds
and as warm as God's magnificent sun
Their inner beauty illuminates their presence
much like God’s exquisite moonlight
This arrival is most treasured,
and there are not enough heartfelt words
that dwell in this universe, to express
how much a friendship, a confidante,
such as one, gives rest to a weary soul,
imbues a needful heart with new promise
A patrician, with such an incandescent spirit,
it spills forth in great abundance,
touching the inner most sanctum of one’s emotions,
and are, forever, transformed
And thus, I find myself thanking God everyday
for sending such an irreplaceable nonpareil into my life,
and forever I will treasure, holding dear,
placing such in its rightful place
The highest pinnacle as one of life's immense joys,
this arrival
Dedicated to Aussie. Aussie has always been there, her bright light shining with encouragement and friendship
thank you cleo85, for Pink Roses
one point
and 2 member cents.
Artwork by cleo85 at FanArtReview.com
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