Self Improvement Non-Fiction posted July 17, 2010 Chapters: 1 2 -3- 4... 

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A simple meditation exercise while showering.

A chapter in the book Reigniting Your Flame of Youth

Preparation and Shower Meditation

by knowledge

Your physical and meditational exercises will take some preparation. First of all, you should do them every morning to get best results. If your partner doesn't want to do them with you; you will drive them crazy, if you try to do them in their presence. You need to have a certain atmosphere in order for them to work properly. Any antagonism will interfere with your ability to open up the universal energy flow and tap into it. My wife does some of the physical exercises with me then leaves our bedroom. It takes thirty to forty-five minutes for me to complete them.

If your mate doesn't want to do them with you, and keeps coming in and out of the room; you won't be able to do these physical and meditational exercises properly. You will need to find a room where you can have this special and valuable time to yourself. If you have to get up an hour earlier, then do it.

Showering: take as hot a shower as you can. Soap down and scrub yourself with a real luffa or the artificial one. Scrub your body with vigor. Get all the dead cells off your body. Then rinse yourself off thoroughly using the luffa to do this.

As you scrub yourself down, think of all your skin cells being stimulated. One way to do this is visualize your shower water as being glowing gold sparkles coming down on you. As you feel those golden drops coming down on your body, see them seeping into your skin and collecting all through your body. Let the hot shower water beat down on the back of your neck. Visualize the golden glowing drops seeping in to your body at that point. Open your mouth and breathe in the golden glowing hot mist. Feel and see it entering your lungs. Inhale deeply and hold it a bit before slowing exhaling. Keep the golden glow inside of you. (Don't do something silly and inhale the water.)

Before you get out of the shower, gradually cool down the water, until it is quite comfortably cool. This naturally closes off your open skin pores and directs your heat to your internal organs. Don't freeze yourself. Use common sense. Once this is done step out and thoroughly scrub yourself dry with a rough bathing towel. Use natural deodorants.

You just completed a physical/meditational shower exercise. Don't you feel invigorated? Now, you feel good mentally and physically.

Now go to sleep in your golden cacoon of rejuvination, or share it with your love.


Always shower before you soak in a bath tub or hot tub. Always use natural bath soaps and bubbling agents. You don't want the bad things you just scrubbed off your body, coming back and sticking to your skin. You want to be squeaky clean.

"Anything worth doing, is worth doing well." Benjamin Franklin. "Success is worth what ever it takes." Paul Myers. Thank you for Golden Nostalgia by jgrace the perfect art for this chapter.
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