Biographical Poetry posted April 29, 2010

This work has reached the exceptional level
a casualty

The Steep Price

by jlsavell

I was so young
In high school still
I caught his glance
He took my will

A smile so bright
A laugh so sweet
Those dark brown eyes
Swept off my feet

He loved me so
He used to say
I was his life
He's here to stay

So our school closed
Hot days were bliss
We danced till dark
and then we'd kiss

I felt his love
He filled my heart
With so much warmth
But soon we'd part

He came one day
with eyes so stern
He had some news
My heart would burn

He's now a man
A man he'll be
There is this war
A year, you'll see

I love you so
He used to say
I was his life
He's here to stay

So like a man
He marched so proud
and went to war
I cried so loud

The days did pass
I missed him so
Sent notes of love
and did I know

He was a man
I was his life
He loved me so
Please be my wife

My heart was glad
and so I planned
the day we'd wed
A time so grand

He soon came home
but not the same
His eyes were blank
So gaunt his frame

His smile was not
His man hands shook
and tears that spilled
Pure fright, his look

Still like a man
he walked so proud
but pills he took
to chase the cloud

The cloud of pain
that cloaked his soul
with blood that spilled
from war's hell hole

So now this man
who loved me so
lives in the past
and can't let go

Boy went to war
He marched with pride
He loved me so
though his heart's died

Sad Poems writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Sadness has overcome us all at one time or another. Either caused by a relative or close friend's death or from the girl or guy that broke our heart or just life in general. We all handle situations differently, some good, some bad. This contest gives us the ability to explore this. Your poem can also play into other emotions that are common to writing like this such as anger or depression.


thank you MRPhotography, for The Fog of War.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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