Family Fiction posted October 15, 2024

Things don't always happen as we wish

In His Time

by Begin Again


Dusk was settling on the small coastal town of Seaview. Gone were the sandy beaches and quaint homes nestled along the shoreline. Katie and her dad had lived in their beachfront cottage since her birth. The soothing sound of the waves slapping against the rocks had been her calming place — where she often spoke to the mother she'd never known.

As the night fell, the once soothing sound of the ocean turned into a menacing roar, sending shivers down Katie's spine. The water, once a source of comfort, now rose with each crashing wave, a stark reminder of the impending danger.

The wind whipped the curtains off the rods and sent them sailing across the room. Katie stood knee-deep in seawater, shivering and wiping away the tears. She clutched a small duffel bag filled with her most precious possessions as she watched the rescue boat in the distance.

"Dad, it's getting worse. Do you think they will make it to us?" Her eyes filled with fear — for their lives, for losing everything they owned, and for what was going to happen next.

Earl, Katie's dad, sloshed through the water wearing his fishing hip boots, dodging the debris until he stood with his daughter. He wrapped his arms around her and gave his pride and joy a much-needed hug. "They'll make it, Katie. Everything's going to be alright."

She tipped her head upward to look at him. "How can it be alright, Dad? We're losing everything. The water's getting higher and —" She choked back the words of defeat, knowing her father wanted her to be strong.

His squeeze was even tighter now. He understood his daughter's fears — he had them himself — but his job was to be strong and protect her.

"Dad, look!" She pointed at the boat, loaded with friends and neighbors moving away. "They're leaving us!" She moved out onto the deck, screaming, "Come back! Come back! You forgot us." She waved her arms as if she could force them to return.

A strong gust of wind caught her, and she stumbled backward, but her father's arms grabbed her, pulling her into the house.

Sobbing uncontrollably, Kate tried to speak but could only manage a whisper, "They left us!" She buried her face against her father's side. "Are we — going to drown?"

"No, Katie. God's watching over us. It just wasn't our time to leave yet. They'll be back."

"But why would God want us to stay here?"

Earl shook his head. He didn't have an answer for his daughter, but he relied on his faith and trusted that they would be saved in good time.

As the seawater inched up the walls of the small cottage, Earl continued to stack furniture on top of furniture, placing Katie on top of the pile. Occasionally, he'd look outside, hoping to see another boat returning. The pelting rain made it difficult to see anything.

Suddenly, he heard a foghorn in the distance. When it blew again, it sounded closer. Earl grabbed the flag and waved it as he yelled, "Over here! We're over here."

Katie bit her lip, afraid that they wouldn't come to rescue them this time either. She hugged her backpack to her chest and prayed.

"They're coming, Katie. I can see them, and the boat is moving this way."

She scrambled down from her perch. The water was almost to her waist, and it wasn't easy to get to her father, but he met her halfway and scooped her up into his arms. "See, honey, I told you they'd come back."

As the boat moved closer, Katie heard a faint whimper. "Dad, do you hear that? It sounds like a cry."

The boat was there, and it was time to go. Earl held Katie's hand. "Come on, honey. We've got to get in the boat."

"But, Dad, I know I heard something crying."

"Katie, there's no time. We have to go." Her father tried to lift her into the boat, but she screamed and kicked her legs.

"Stop! Stop!" she cried frantically. "Dad, look."

A large piece of plastic floated in the water near the deck. Shivering and crying, a small puppy sat in the middle of the makeshift boat.

Katie tugged away from her father and waded through the water to scoop up the terrified pup. A rescuer followed and plucked Katie and her new friend from the water, settling them into the boat, chuckling. "All aboard!"

Katie opened her backpack, emptied her possessions, and placed the tiny puppy inside with her favorite sweater. "Do you think he's why God had us wait?" she asked.

"Maybe so!' Her father smiled, happy to see a smile on his daughter's face again.

"Well, we're all safe now, and I'm glad we waited. Funny how things happen, huh?" Katie snuggled the tiny face peeking out through the backpack's opening. His little pink tongue licked the young girl's nose. She laughed. "He's happy to see us, too."

As the boat moved away from their home, another powerful surge crashed against the rocky shoreline, sending a torrent of seawater into their cottage. Katie closed her eyes and whispered, "Dear God, thank you for keeping us all safe." She paused and then added, "And for waiting."

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