Spiritual Non-Fiction posted October 7, 2023

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I died on the operating table

I died and yet?

by Aussie

27th July, 1982. Critically injured in a traffic accident. Prognosis guarded.

All I can remember of that horrendous day was losing my sight as the ambulance men tried to staunch the flow of blood from my femoral artery. The race to a major hospital in Sydney.

The trauma ward was packed with people waiting for life-saving surgery. I was awake on painkillers only. My vision was still blurred as one of the doctors came with a form for me to fill out.

"What is it?" I said with difficulty.
"A form for amputation of your left leg." He replied.
All was darkness.

I was standing in the transept of a church with a very tall angel on my left side. There were no words between us. I was whole in body as he told me about the scene before me. As he spoke, I could understand every word, except there was no verbal conversation.

"Watch the people." He said.

The sun struck the tall leadlight windows of the church and lit the many sarcophagi. Many people had been sleeping and adjusting to what I thought was heaven.
As they awoke from their earthly time they walked towards the open door of the church.
Ultra-bright sunlight was streaming through the door.

The Angel ushered me to that door and I was not afraid. I walked through the door and waiting for me were joyful crowds of my family and friends.

I could hear in my mind a song from childhood.
"There is no death though eyes grow dim, there is no death when I think of Him. I'll lean on Him forever and he'll forsake me never."

I was very close to my father and he walked towards me. Once again, no verbal conversation. Dad hugged me and I felt safe and warm in his arms. He was no longer aged and sick like he was before he died.
All the family gathered around and they were so beautiful, no more stress and earthly sickness. I wanted to stay.

Then I stood before the so-called Pearly Gates, they were shiny like the pearl shell itself.
Thump! I awoke in my hospital bed, my left leg in traction. A Priest was praying beside my bed.
"Father, I have visited heaven and seen its beauty. I wanted to stay with my family and friends. God had more work for me to do here on Earth."
Tears ran down his young face. That young man visited my room every time he was working on C Floor. We prayed together for those who wouldn't make it.
I have had a wonderful life since I lost my leg. My senses are sharper and I know my Redeemer lives and I will stand with Him on the last day.

"Be not afraid, for I am with you always, even to the ends of the Earth," Jesus spoke these words through the Bible. When you leave this earthly plane there is no fear, no pain only His love and Life Eternal...

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