Fantasy Poetry posted June 24, 2023

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A holiday

International Fairy Day

by w.j.debi

Let's celebrate, it's--Fairy Day,
when banshees, gnomes and pixies play.
Small leprechauns will dance and stomp
while mermaids swim and dragons romp.
The muse inspires; the sirens sing.
Next, mushrooms form a fairy ring.
Look here! No, there! They're awfully quick.
They love to tease, deceive, to trick.
In myths and legends sprites abound;
in every culture they are found.
Oh, such a party they'll conceive 
You choose to doubt? I still believe.



June 24 is International Fairy Day, a day to celebrate fantasy, imagination and pixie dust. They say there is a grain of truth in all legends. Could it be that grain is fairy dust?
The National Day Calendar also states they are not able to locate the founder of this holiday. I wonder how it got there
. . .

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