Humor Non-Fiction posted May 26, 2022

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Something to Make you Smile

A Smile

by Terry Broxson

I wanted to write something that might make us smile a bit. It is a sad time not just here in Texas but all across the world.

But I could not come up with something smart or insightful. Serendipitously, I found a little poem my father wrote in 1954. My father, Gil Broxson (1919-1992), started writing poetry in 1927. I think this poem reminds us of our innocence and does make us smile.

Lost Love

Near midnight hour I raise my pen,
To write a final line,
Of love I could not win,
In another space and time.
I recall the study hall. Her hair a
Flame of red. Her laughter like a
Waterfall, ringing in my head.
I never ask her for a date. She
Never knew my whim. For after
All I was eight. And she was
Married to Jim.

Gilvin C. Broxson



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