General Non-Fiction posted January 2, 2022

This work has reached the exceptional level
Departure from StoryLand Pending


by Elizabeth Emerald

It is with sadness that I render my two-weeks' notice.

On January 15 --my second anniversary-- my membership expires.

Over the past four months, I have been straddling two virtual writing venues, struggling mightily to keep my commitments to both. Having passed the point of exhaustion, I've been heading off to bed early -- meaning, shortly before 4:30 a.m.

Juggling ever more clumsily, I've been dropping both balls. To wit: 406 reviews await my reply whilst I scramble to keep abreast with fans' postings. I shall continue to put my efforts toward reviewing as I chip away at the backlog.

Come January 15, my "premium" membership status will automatically be downgraded to "standard" -- I'll retain reading privileges only.

I will not be able to review work unless it has been posted with "Non-Writer Reviews" set to "Yes" (via the "advanced options" icon; next to spell check). The default position is "No" -- this setting safeguards the piece as to visits from one-star trolls out on trash-duty. 

I will be allowed to send and receive messages. I intend to check in weekly to catch up on correspondence and do some reading (in which case, stars will be appended to my greeting).

Meantime, whatever funny money I accrue will go toward repromotions of work posted when I was the sole member of my fan club.

Six cheers to all.




When you wish upon the stars by Angelheart on THANK YOU! RIP
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by Angelheart at

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