Mature Fiction posted May 17, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
ADULT Erotic Writing Contest

I'm Not Me

by Jessica Wheeler

The author has placed a warning on this post for sexual content.

Late nights at the office have increasingly become the norm for my client, one of New York City's most prominent business executives. As his firm navigates the critical stages of a merger, his time is required well beyond the conventional nine-to-five. Though our encounters leave little time for inquiries, it is easy to see that the situation calls for his highly valued expertise. And in turn, I have come to anticipate his call for mine.

Like clockwork, he calls, and I am on the clock. 

I slip into my highest stilettos, check my makeup, and retrieve my coat, before making my way toward the slowing headlights outside.

Tonight, I'm not me.


The city appears empty as it rushes by the car window on my way to his office. I gaze at the skyscraper coming into view, eager to provide my recurring client with the much-needed stress relief he gains from my services. The car stops, and I thank the driver, who nods and smiles with professional discretion.

The late evening streets are quiet as I step out onto the sidewalk. I approach the building doors with an assured strut, drawing the attention of lingering men and women to the sound of my stilettos echoing on the concrete.

I fluff the fiery hair reflected in the tall glass doors of his office building, before I push them open.

With the daytime hustle reduced to the faint humming of cleaning crews, my steps on the lobby's marble floor all but declare my presence as I walk toward the elevator. The security guard flashes a familiar smile, which I return with a playful wink, smiling back as he waves me on.

Ascending in the elevator, I reapply my lipstick, a deep crimson to complement the shade of my long red hair. I open my coat to smooth my dress, worn like a second skin, outlining the form it clings to. I exit as the elevator dings and close my jacket to cover my body, now rushing with a desire to be devoured by my favorite client.

The dimly lit corridor to his office is empty, and the sound of my measured steps courses a rhythm that resonates with the anticipation building within me. His office door is wide open, an invitation to enter while he wraps up a last-minute call-indicated by the soft tones of his voice coming from the conference room down the hall.

The spacious office is a testament to his success, adorned with floor-to-ceiling windows that offer a panoramic view of the city. I walk behind his desk to wait, glancing at the framed photos amidst scattered papers. A fresh cup of coffee beside an opened laptop emphasizes the long, demanding hours of his day.

A surge of excitement fills me as I hear his approaching steps. He appears, just in time to watch me remove my coat and claim his throne.

He stands in the doorway, a figure of command, with his suit jacket off and sleeves rolled up. I take a moment to admire his athletic physique, noticeable beneath a crisp, white button-down. He is slightly above average height, though he appears to tower over other men.

He relaxes against the doorframe, a boyish grin flashing across his handsome face as I lean forward.

"Great tie," I whisper playfully.

His laughter releases some of the day's tension, and he loosens his tie, easing out of work mode.

"Thank you for coming," he says softly, still grinning. "Sorry about the chaos."

His piercing green eyes widen as he watches me slowly cross and uncross my legs, his predatory stare fixed on my skin sliding against the leather.

"My pleasure," I say through a smile as I stand. "There is no need to apologize."

He turns to close the door behind him, and I begin to close the gap between us.

He whips around and freezes. His eyes watch intensely, scanning every inch of my body as I approach him.

"You look…"

I intercept the compliment from his mouth, gently brushing it with mine. His hands begin exploring my back and hips, caressing every curve. Our kiss escalates, and I break our embrace to taste his neck. His breath quickens as I slowly trail my lips to his ear and release a soft moan.

I whisper against his skin, "Let me see that tie.”

I move my fingers across his shoulders and chest and grasp the tie around his neck. He watches with anticipation as I smoothly run my hands down its length, then back up to tighten the knot with a firmer touch. I step slowly back, dragging him toward the desk.

Placing the tie between my teeth to free my hands, I position them on the desk behind me and hop up. I situate myself, and retrieve his tie once more. His eyes are hungry as I draw him in, pulling him to me like a puppy on a leash. As his face reaches mine, I softly pet his cheek and whisper, "Good boy… Now, down."

His fingers slip beneath spaghetti straps, pulling them over my shoulders and easing them down as he slowly descends. His lips travel down my body, revisiting all the spots they frequent. He removes my dress and effortlessly throws my legs over his shoulders. 

I lay back, surrendering to his fervor, papers and framed photos falling to the floor as I desperately reach for anything to anchor me down. My sounds escape, encouraging him, and I find myself pulling on his tie with increased urgency. He brings me to the brink and then stands, leaving me there. 

I press my stilettos against his solid torso, gently pushing him away as I catch my breath. He takes hold of my feet, maneuvering them behind to touch at his back. His hands roam my legs, tenderly caressing my thighs as he works his way up to my hips, closing in. 

In one swift motion, he lifts me from the desk and stands, fusing my body to his with my legs still wrapped around his waist. I cling to him like a sturdy oak tree, shimmying into place before I lock my hips. 

Our mouths collide fiercely and we lose ourselves to the moment. Our passion grows as we connect, a bond that overpowers lust and desire, deepening with every movement. I take him in and give myself to him, entirely. 

He pivots toward his chair, maintaining our connection and momentum as he sits; and I assert my claim on a new throne.


After a grand finale, I rest my head against his shoulder, still securely wrapped in his arms. Catching his breath, he whispers, "That was incredible."

I press a soft kiss to his lips in agreement before returning my head to his chest, where the scattered papers and pictures on the floor come into view.

"Oh no!" I exclaim, stretching to grab one of the picture frames within reach, "Would you look at this mess I made?"

"Get back here,” he chuckles, denying my attempts to tidy up by drawing me back into his lap. I smile, turning the frame in my hands to examine the picture. After a moment of studying the couple in the photo, I realize he is doing the same.

"You know…” I murmur through a smirk, turning to face him. "Your wife is quite pretty."

He arches a brow, searching my face before cradling it in his hands. He stares deeply and lovingly into my eyes.

"No," he whispers, gently freeing my long brown hair from underneath the fiery red wig. "She is beautiful."


Stilettos echo on the pavement alongside his steps, breaking the early morning’s quiet, as we arrive home.

Erotic Writing Contest contest entry



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