Badger_29: I met an artist, an mkflood, who has it against us fanstorians for utilizing their artwork for free. Now I for one usually 1) Don't use for my pics, 2) usually, but NOT ALWAYS remember to thank them. So, please forgive me for not thanking you! |
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Badger_29: I am grateful to the many gifted writers here for review ing my attempts @ righting, riding writing about them! Special thanks go to pantygynt, Lyenochka, and Alcreator Litt Dear for your guidance support and request for help here |
Badger_29: I have to edit my "following" list all the time because some people I'm following are no longer here! |
Badger_29: Sorry for the delay in answering reviews. Tested negative for covid-19 ! I've received some great reviews and everybody had a very particular perspective on "Half Past" Thanks so much for your help and encouragement are in a special thanks to lyenochka for her faithful reviews & support ~ |
Badger_29: Dear fanstorians, Please forgive my lapse in responding to your reviews, then is very busy and hectic here, but we'll catch up soon! Happy Easter! |
Badger_29: I apologize for the shape a second chance motors in it has been in error every time I edited it. Ary edited as per lyrnochka's advise and editing. Merry Christmas 2020 Brother Badger Cull Darren |
Badger_29: The dam has burst open and now I can't quit Writing, Riding, Righting! |
Badger_29: covid-19 brings out the best and the worst in all of us. |
Badger_29: Thanks so much for all of your wonderful reviews. Please bear with me is I was not able to respond to these reviews immediately due to technical difficulties. |
Badger_29: I have to admit, I got some great reviews on my Oster is sweet and I did not even remember writing it a epilogue. The reason I'm promoting this is because trauma relapsing addict I went back out and did more research after I wrote this and have the clean time. My clean date is August 1st 2020 and hopefully by the time you read this on today the 6th I will have had six days clean 7th will be one week and my actions will speak louder than my words so I will say no more at this point only that I got so sick of it that I had to quit again. Remember me in your prayers, and count your blessings! Brother Badger, Darren Friday August 6th 2020 at 12:34 a.m. |
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Badger_29: I would like to thank all the wonderful world of yours or reviewing my secret Garden and all the encouragement and wonderful warm wishes that I received. May you be blessed as we correspond together and fellowship in this wonderful space. |
Badger_29: You got to hand it to Tom for this wonderful site,vand for the fact that he is the only one who has written a review for my book so far and it was a stellar review. Thanks again Tom! |
Badger_29: Happy quarantine. Thanks so much for all your support and help here and on a side note I change the title of c is for cross stitch to include the word in one word. another attempt at humor? |
Badger_29: Good bye Dean, I'll see you you in my nightmares which are now more welcome than before . . . |