Reviews from

A Son's Birthday Remembered

I thought I always appreciated life

28 total reviews 
Comment from kenjac55
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

As a man I say to you we serve not to die but to keep others from dyeing.

I knew when from the title and the Art your poem by heart though I had yet to read it. You are not alone in your "remembering," for take comfort in these words of mine:I did not know your son, but in fact I did for I served with him years ago in another war.

We who serve never forget, God Bless and keep you.

 Comment Written 26-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2010
    And indeed you did dear knjac55..serve with him in another war;
    and no lesss gratitudes to even in the loss of him; and so many
    other brave young men. Thank you for your kind and empathetic
    review, and your most perceptive thought and comment. It does
    indeed bring comfort and appreciation. God Bless you.
Comment from BJean
This work has reached the exceptional level

Just wanted to say this is a beautiful tribute and poem in memory of your dear son. It deserves to place. It is well done with so much emotion and love. Nice poem, Ronni. I lost a daughter at seventeen in a car wreck, so I deeply relate to your sentiments. Love, Jean

 Comment Written 26-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2010
    Thank you dear Jean, for your kind review; I know you can indeed
    relate to losing a child. Poem won 3rd Placd on FS; there were
    so many other extraordinary entries; and 3rd place is gratifying
    enough. since it never was a contest entry, but the Site entered
    it for this one; surprised me! I am just as happy for all those
    that won too. Thank you again for your empathy. God Bless.
reply by BJean on 26-Feb-2010
    It certainly deserved to place. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Jean
Comment from Sandy P.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ronni, an amazing beautiful tribute to your son. I am so sorry for your loss, and applaud you for being able to pen this heartfelt poem to him. Your words touched me deeply and I just want to wish you the best of luck in the contest. So very very well done. God bless.


 Comment Written 26-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2010
    Thank you dear Sandy, for your kind and caring review. Very
    sincerely appreciated; and glad you appreciated the poem.
    The contest just ended, and won 3rd place,(listed on front page
    of contest news on FS.) There were a lot of extraordinary
    entries, and to have even merited 3rd place is gratifying indeed.
    Thank you again for your kind thoughts and comments. God Bless.
Comment from amada
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm so sorry, so sorry for your loss dear poet. Throught the magic of your words , and the love that they denot, I was able to know, a little about Jake. I feel honored .

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 24-Feb-2010
    Thank you amada, for your most endearing review. I sincerely
    appreciate your empathy and gracious and caring comments. You
    likely made Jake smile gratefully too all the way from heaven.
    God Bless, have a wonderful day.
Comment from missy98writer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My sister died at age 29 on May 2, 2003. They say time heals the pain, but its still hard on my mom and me. It was harder on her eight year old son Brandon. Me and my mom raise him. I'm handicapped so she takes care of me too. I see why your brilliant and poignant poem is up for the poem of the month. I'm reviewing all the poems before I vote. The photo is awe inspiring. Your poem brought tears to my eyes as I read it. Love the lines:

I still hear your footsteps in lull of night
still feel you home, caressed in my arms still
while sharing you with the The Divine One up above

Thanks for sharing such a heart felt poem. Sorry for your loss doesn't adequately help ease the pain of loosing someone you love.

 Comment Written 23-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2010
    Thank you for your most endearing review. I am so sorry to hear
    of your loss too, for you and your mom. Such loss and sorrow
    never completely goes away; it just lessens in stages over time;
    yet still certain incidents or situations bring back the memory
    and loss as deeply as if it were yesterday. So I understand
    how you and you mom likely go through this too.
    I deeply appreciate all your kind and caring thoughts and
    comments on the poem; and taking time to read it. Pain, after
    all is part of life, and without it, we would never no limits
    nor find and rely on our faith and belief in the Divine to see
    us through. God Bless you and your mom.
Comment from Judian James
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I wanted to read all the nominees before I voted in the POM contest. This is a beautiful, loving tribute to a son you adore (no "d") Your mother's pride shown through in every line. excellent piece and my pleasure to have read

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2010
    Thank you Jude, I certainly appreciate your review. And yes,
    there are a lot of extraordinary entries in this POM, and I
    commend you for reading them all, as I did too. I am truly
    touched too by your kind and gracious comments and thoghts on
    this poem, and glad you found it a pleasure to read. Take
    care, God Bless.
Comment from Ann Smith
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am so sorry for your loss. This is such a beautiful tribute for your son. One of the things we can do is not let the world forget the cost of freedom and write poems that remind. My dad was in WWII in Germany. I hope you win the contest. ann

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2010
    Thank you for your empathy, sincerely appreciated. I was notified this was selected as a nominee for Poem Of The Month
    contest which is still on; a nice surprises. This poem was
    really a relaease and a memoir; and I thank you for your kind
    words and thoughts. Yes, the price of freedom is always higher
    than we ever imagine. Take care, God Bless.
Comment from findingmyroom
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

First, I'm so sorry for the loss of your son. He was obviously your life's greatest work and pride, the same way I feel about my own son. Your poem is gorgeous, a wonderful tribute and powerful personal expression. Good luck in the contest, and thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 18-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 19-Feb-2010
    Thank you for your empathetic review, sincerely appreciated. I
    am glad you liked the poem, and touched you stopped by to
    read it and offer your kind and caring thoughts and comments.
    Appreciate the good wishes, there are a lot of awesome ones in
    this contest. God Bless.
Comment from Alison Williams
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm so sorry that you had to lose your son, but wow, this is a beautiful poem to your love, his love, his life and his sacrifice. No wonder it's a contender for the Poem of the Month. You've brought forth your emotion and placed it for all to see.

I think one of the more beautiful lines is below,

Today is your 25th Birthday, dear son Jake
heaven's angels now alight your Birthday cake

Good luck. All the entries for this one are so good, I'm finding it hard to vote. But no matter who wins, I think everyone here has superb work.

Cheers, Alison

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2010
    Thank you Alison, for your most supportive review, and all your
    kind and graciou comments and thoughts. I am glad you liked
    the poem; and so glad you shared your empathy. Indeed, there
    are a lot of awesome entries to vote on. I appreciate your
    good wishes. Take care. God Bless.
Comment from Curt Mongold
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Congratulations on your well deserved nomination, Ronni.
The whole work had me deeply involved from the start, as I believe any parent would be. Your desriptions are poignantly marvelous when you talk of the past,, and the pain of loss is almost unbearable to the reader.
Again, a well deserved entry, and best wishes,

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2010
    Thank you Curt, for this warm and empathetic review. Very
    sincerely appreicaited, as are your kind thoughts and comments
    too. Coming from you, is especially encouraging. Thanks too
    for the good wishes. So many awesome entries indeed.