Reviews from

AmaZing Animals

Viewing comments for Chapter 20 "AmaZing Animals - T"
The A-Z of animals and facts

45 total reviews 
Comment from Bill Pinder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed reading this creative and informative writing about different types of turtles. There are always new things to learn, and it's a great way to pass on an interest in learning to your grandson. Bill

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2020
    Hi Bill, thank you so much for another lovely review. I'm so pleased you enjoyed reading about the turtles. They are so interesting. I'm hoping Eric will enjoy this when it's finished, he doesn't know about it yet. Big hugs, my friend. :)) Sandra xx
Comment from Mistydawn
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was a very interesting post. Like always, I learned a lot. I had no Idea a Terrapin would bite. Guess I was just lucky it didn't happen to me. It's interesting about how the sex is determined. Your post is well-written, very interesting start to finish. I look forward to reading more.

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2020
    I didn't know about the terrapins biting, either, Misty. Graham has always wanted some for our pond, and now I have a good reason for not wanting them. lol. Thank you for your lovely review, I'm glad you found it interesting. Big hugs, my friend. :)) Sandra xx
Comment from RShipp
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I loved the science lesson on turtles.

I had a small 'pond' turtle for a pet for a month or two before I let him back out into the waters. I couldn't imagine raising a 200 lb. + leatherneck. It would be fun to watch him grow!

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2020
    LOL, I think he'd need a bit bigger pond than most of us have. But how wonderful they are. I'd love to see one. Thank you so much for this lovely review. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. Big hugs, Sandra xx
Comment from Louise Michelle
This work has reached the exceptional level

And I thought you were trying to knock off two chapters in one week, LOL. I adore turtles. We have a small pond in our backyard where many turtles lives and I often see them sunning themselves.

Another amazing chapter for your book. I'll bet this will have a huge influence on Eric! Hugs, Lou

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2020
    Oh, Lou, you have no idea how embarrassed I was, I didn't know two had got posted, one only had 2cents on! How could that happen?

    Thank you so very much for the six stars, my friend, you've brightend my day with that and your lovely review. I wouldn't let Graham have terrapins in our pond, and when I read out your review to him, I realised, BIG MISTAKE!! Lol, I thought they would breed us out of our garden.

    I'm hoping Eric and his school will like it when I've finished. They have all four of my Eric's Epic Adventures books, so I thought the head teacher might be up for this one. We'll see. Thank you, my friend. Have a lovely day. :)) Sandra xxx
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed your offering about the turtles. We have seen several desert Tortoises here in Nevada. Not so much in this area but down in Henderson/Las Vegas they often get lost in town trying to migrate to where they were supposed to go. I enjoyed this very much. I visited a pet store once that was selling the baby freshwater terrapins. I didn't like the idea. Some people will do anything for money. Well done, Sandra. Nancy:)

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2020
    Thank you for reading this one, Nancy. Graham once said he wanted terrapins in our pond, I said, not at the rate they breed! Anyway, they belong in the sea, not in captivity. I hate to see any animal in cages in the pet shops, we see dogs in cages up for sale, it's so wrong. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, my friend, thanks again! :)) Sandra xx
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed your informative chapter on turtles, Sandra. You present the information in a great way. I believe kids of all ages will enjoy and learn form this chapter. Your husband's art is perfect. I like the pictures you have interspersed throughout this well-written chapter. I learned many new facts. I didn't know turtles could hold their breath as stated. I have read about the baby turtles trying to make it to the ocean after they hatch. That's amazing some turtles can, and do, live so long. The info about the Galapagos turtle was great. I didn't know that's where the name of the islands originated. I would never harm a turtle of any kind. If one came after me, I would run. I have a little turtle that comes to eat dry cat food when I feed some front porch kitties. I named him Tiny. He has a plant saucer that he 'swims' in. Your book is progressing well. Thanks for sharing another great entry.
Respectfully, Jan

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2020
    Bless your heart, Jan, thank you so very much for this wonderful review. I really appreciated all your comments. Thank you for sharing your story of little Tiny, I bet he's cute. Sending you another hug, my dear friend. :)) Sandra xxx
Comment from aryr
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was wonderful, Sandra. I really enjoyed learning about the three distinctive types. I also liked the pictures, including that which Graham drew. It is nice when one can see what one is reading about. I guess I have seen all three but mostly sea turtles and terrapins. This was very educational and enjoyable. Stay safe, be well, hugs, smiles and blessings.

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2020
    Thank you, Alie! What a lovely review, this was fun because I had the three that all started with a T! And they are quite different in some ways. I'm really pleased you enjoyed this one. U is coming next! Have a lovely day, my friend. :) Sandra xxx
reply by aryr on 11-Aug-2020
    You are most welcome, Sandra, I eagerly await 'U', I can't imagine what it will be.
Comment from R. Hiland
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great fun, as always, and as usual, I applaud the whole concept of doing this for your grandson. He's lucky to have such a caring and talented Grandmother.

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2020
    Aw, thank you, my friend. I'm so pleased you enjoyed reading this one. Have a womderful day! :)) Sandra xx
Comment from Pantygynt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So, if I were a terrapin
I'd take a breath and hold it in
and five hours later, with a sigh
I would breath out or else I'd die

The girls born hot, the boys born cold
'Twas eighty-five upon the day
that I was born, so I've been told,
a terrapin quite clearly... gay!

Ithink they call that a rispetto. Lol.
A little nit is however irritating me under my shell.

'The Tortoise - Land dwellers... Tortoises are turtles that are ... They have hard, scaly, domed shells... they can draw in their heads... It has thick chunky legs,' The title is singular then we go plural and finally back to singular again with an 'it'. On the vote the plurals are in the majority so I think you should stick with the plural all the way.

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2020
    LOL! I love the poem. So, what do I call you now? Jim ... Jane?? It's fortunate we don't depend on the weather for our gender to be decided. Some countries would be overrun with girls all chasing the very few boys around. Hmm, I'm sure the boys wouldn't mind, though!

    Apparantly, a few turtles were part of an experiment and one stayed underwater for a year before coming up for air. So the scientists aren't as certain as they used to be about the length of time turtles can hold their breath.

    Thank you so much, Jim, for pointing out that error. I've had such a nightmare time with this one, you have no idea. I'll tell you about it when my brain is back in order. I've checked of them all to make sure they are all plural because that's how I've written the other letters. Thanks for this fun review, it managed to put a smile on my face, which I needed badly! Big hugs, my friend. :)) Sandra xx
Comment from Iza Deleanu
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice to learn together with the kids about the 3 big T and the other sister and brothers around the globe. Thank you for sharing and good luck with the next chapter.

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2020
    Thank you so much for another lovely review, Iza. I'm so pleased you enjoyed it. Have a lovely day, my friend. :)) Sandra xxx